Tanzania Forest Fund inviting Applications for Small Grants Program 2020

The Tanzania Forest Fund (TaFF) is inviting applications for its Small Grants program to mobilize funds for sustainable financing the management of forest resources for the present and future generations.

Tanzania Forest Fund (abbreviated as ‘TaFF’) is Public Conservation Trust Fund established as a mechanism to provide long term, reliable and sustainable financial support for enhancing conservation and management of forest resources in mainland Tanzania. The Fund was made operational in July 2010 through Treasury Circular No. 4 of 2009 and embarked in full implementation of its functions in July 2011. The Fund is under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and is governed by a Board of Trustees.

Priority Areas

Tanzania Forest Fund will provide/offer grants to project proposals focusing on the following priority areas:

  • Forest resources protection, conservation and management. In 2020 project proposals from primary and secondary schools focusing on establishment of tree nurseries in school compounds and facilitating tree planting in school compounds and farms, and farms of nearby communities, will be given priority in receiving Tanzania Forest Fund’s grants.
  • Another area which will be considered for TaFF funding in 2020 is establishment of small woodlots in 7 regions with semi-arid characteristics as are detailed hereunder:
    • Establishment of tree nurseries in primary and secondary schools and facilitating tree planting in school compounds and school farms, and farms of neaby communities/villages. Eligible applicants in this priority area are primary and secondary schools from 30 districts of 7 regions with semi-arid characteristics. The regions and districts are Dodoma (Dodoma, Bahi, Chamwino, Chemba, Kondoa, Kongwa and Mpwapwa Districts); Singida (Manyoni, Ikungi, Singida Rural, Mkalama and Iramba Districts); Shinyanga (Kahama, Shinyanga Rural, Shinyanga Urban and Kishapu Districts); Simiyu (Maswa, Bariadi, Itilima, Meatu and Busega Districts); Tabora (Igunga and Nzega Districts); Arusha (Arumeru, Karatu, Monduli and Longido Districts), and Kilimanjaro (lowland areas of Hai, Mwanga and Same Districts).

Funding Information

Small Grants – amounts not exceeding Tanzania Shillings (TZS) 5 million

Eligible Applicants

Project proposals from individual students registered for masters’ degree committed to conduct research in areas local community groups, non-governmental organizations, faith based organizations, academic institutions, primary and secondary schools from regions and districts

  • Research based institutions, central government ministries, departments and agencies as well as local government authorities are invited. However, all organizations including community groups must be legally registered and evidence of registration should be attached to the project proposals.
  • Individual applicants (students) should submit evidence of registration and letter of recommendations from head of departments of the University where they are studying.

Selection Criteria

Tanzania Forest Fund will fund projects that meet the following criteria:

  • Projects which contribute directly or indirectly to conservation and management of forest and bee resources.
  • Projects which provide tangible benefits (directly or indirectly) to target beneficiaries.
  • Operations are transparent and accountable.
  • Funding from the Tanzania Forest Fund should be complementary if there other similar projects and not to substitute the already available funds.
  • Innovativeness of the project in its approach.
  • Applicability of the results for improving protection, conservation and management of forest and bee resources.
  • Attainment of the objectives by the proposed activities.
  • Capability of the applicant to implement and manage the project including commitment on availability of personnel and their expertise to ascertain implementation of the project.
  • Sustainability of the project interventions.
  • Stakeholders’ participation.
  • Applicant commitment to contribute 20% (cash or in kind) of the requested funds for medium and large grants.
  • The project proposal should show that the project will be implemented in specific regions and districts of Mainland Tanzania.
  • Individual postgraduate students should attach evidence of registration and recommendation letters in their research project proposals/application.
  • Project proposals from primary and secondary schools should be endorsed by the respective District/Municipal (Executive) Directors.

For more information, visit Tanzania Forest Fund.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 31 Dec 2020

Donor Name

Tanzania Forest Fund

Grant Size

1000 to $ 10,000



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