U.S. Mission to India accepting Proposals for Renewable Energy Speaker Series

The U.S. Mission to India is currently accepting proposals for the Renewable Energy Speaker Series.

The speaker program will increase awareness among Andhra Pradesh and Telangana policy makers about valuable lessons learned from U.S. experts as they worked with state governments in the United States to achieve similar renewable energy goals. The result will be the two states successfully develop policies that embrace solar and wind energy for the benefit of the state and also to set these two states up to be models for other states that will pursue similar goals. The project will also facilitate social, professional, and economic relationships that will benefit both countries.




  • At least five U.S. speakers will engage in workshops on one or more of the target topic areas in both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
  • Post workshop surveys completed by the participants will indicate an increased awareness and knowledge of best practices in developing renewable energy policies.
  • The governments of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana develop renewable energy policies and projects that are responsible and respectful of the local population and environment. 
  • The governments of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana demonstrate progress toward their 2022 and 2030 targets in renewable energy production.


Funding Information


  • Estimated Total Program Funding: $50,000
  • Award Ceiling: $50,000
  • Award Floor: $25,000
  • Length of Project Period: Not to exceed 12 months


Project Audience(s): The primary target audience for the U.S. Speakers is energy policy makers within the governments of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The secondary audience is the civil society organizations, think tanks, and academic institutions that have input during the policy formation process in these two states.


Eligibility Criteria


  • The following organizations are eligible to apply:
    • Not-for-profit organizations
    • Civil society/non-governmental organizations
    • Think tanks
    • Public and private educational institutions
    • Individuals
    • Public International Organizations and Governmental institutions
  • Organizations may sub-contract with other entities, but only one, non-profit, non-governmental entity can be the prime recipient of the award. When sub-contracting with other entities, the responsibilities of each entity must be clearly defined in the proposal.


For more information, visit Grants.gov.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 04 May 2021

Donor Name

U.S. Mission to India

Grant Size

10000 to $ 100000



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