South Africa: Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust providing Grants to Conservation Bodies

The Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust is providing grants to facilitate the protection, restoration, improved resilience and sustainable use of South Africa’s species and eco-systems.

These grants are provided to conservation bodies which are Public Benefit Organisations engaged in physical biodiversity conservation and working in the cross-cutting environmental governance and advocacy, climate change, research and education arenas.




The funding strategy has five overlapping themes:


  • The Improvement of Biodiversity Conservation
    • Objective: To reduce direct pressures on biodiversity with regard to species, habitat and eco-systems
    • Outcomes: Funding applications submitted must demonstrate 1 or more of the following intended outcomes
      • Reduction in the rate of loss, degradation of natural habitats including forests and fresh water systems
        • Conservancies / promoting stewardship / corridors
      • Improvement in eco-system functioning, restoration and resilience
        • Invasive alien species identification, control, eradication and prevention of reintroduction
      • Reduction in indigenous fauna and flora species decline
  • Climate Change Mitigation
    • Objective: To limit the extent of climate change
    • Outcomes: Funding applications submitted must demonstrate 1 or more of the following intended outcomes
      • Improvement in and protection of carbon stocks
        • Reforestation
        • Forest management
      • Minimising waste
        • Community based green recycling initiatives
  • Research
    • Objective: To assist Public Benefit Organisations to undertake research into the overlapping biodiversity conservation, climate change, environmental governance and advocacy areas.
    • Outcomes: Funding applications submitted must demonstrate 1 or more of the following intended outcomes
      • Collation and distillation of learning from existing research into knowledge that can be applied
      • Meeting priority knowledge gaps
      • Initiating and implementing innovative conservation outcomes
  • Environmental Governance and Advocacy
    • Objective:To assist conservation bodies to achieve an improvement in environmental governance and advocacy.
    • Outcomes: Funding applications submitted must demonstrate 1 or more of the following intended outcomes
      • Increased public participation in and submissions made on draft legislation
      • Capacity building for enhanced environmental advocacy on the part of community based organisations
      • Law enforcement officials undergo appropriate accredited training and are able to effectively monitor and ensure compliance to environmental policy
  • Environmental Education and Awareness
    • Objective:To increase the number of environmentally conscious citizens
    • Outcomes: Funding applications submitted must demonstrate 1 or more of the following intended outcomes
      • Primary and Secondary school learners participate in well-designed environmental awareness programmes that complement the school curriculum and /or its gaps
      • Members of community based organisations acquire increased new environmental knowledge through well-designed capacity building programmes and are able to apply this knowledge in community run environmental programmes
      • Post Matriculants acquire theoretical and practical knowledge that ready them for careers in the conservation field via accredited certificate and diploma courses


Funding Information


  • Grants amount to an average of R400 000 per annum depending on the Strategic Theme funding is requested for and relative to organisational capacity to absorb funding.
  • Community based organisations that have limited organisational capacity and that are in existence for less than 2 years should apply for grants not exceeding R175 000 per annum.




  • Online applications will be invited once a year. Please strictly follow the on-line application link and formats. Applications submitted in any other format will be declined.
  • Please carefully study the Trust's Strategic Themes, objectives and the outcomes it seeks to achieve.
  • In your online application you are required to indicate clearly which Trust Strategic Theme, related objective and outcome(s) your organisation's proposed programme / project seeks to meet. Applications submitted without this information will be declined.
  • Following a desk top assessment, a site visit will be conducted to selected applicants as part of an effective assessment process.
  • Given the overlapping nature of the Strategic Themes, one organisation may during the financial year obtain funding for more than one project – provided it does not exceed the annual average grant of R400 000 and provided that one on-line application is made to this effect.
  • As the Trust understands that achieving sustainable environmental improvement is a process, it, may in instances, decide to provide multi-year funding toward this end. This is however, done depending on the Strategic Theme, programmatic objectives, subject to satisfactory programme implementation, the achievement of outcomes and adherence to reporting requirements.
  • The Trust will provide funding for programme costs and related running costs in order to facilitate effective programme implementation.
  • No bursaries for individual students will be provided.
  • Research costs for specific research projects as per the Strategic Themes, undertaken by PBOs, may however, contain a minimal component of student fees.
  • No endowment funding will be provided – all grant funding is to be expended on programme and related running costs within the agreed upon time frames.
  • No conference attendance and related travel costs will be provided.
  • No marketing or fundraising costs will be provided including sponsorship of advertisements, auctions, golf days, raffles, special events, publications etc.


For more information, visit Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 31 Mar 2021

Donor Name

Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust

Grant Size

10000 to $ 100000



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