Call for Applications for Reimagining Health Grants Program in Australia

VicHealth is pleased to launch a call for applications for the Reimagining Health Grants Program to support local ideas to provide local solutions.

VicHealth is offering grants for ideas that create immediate impact for improving access to healthy, affordable food, building strong social connections and increasing physical activity in their local area now and into the future. 


Focus Areas


VicHealth is accepting applications that support better health and wellbeing for: 


  • Victorian children and young people (aged 0-25), including families; and/or 
  • Victorian population groups facing the greatest barriers to reaching their full health potential because of socially determined circumstances such as income, cultural background, gender, disability or where they live.




All applications should also focus on at least one of the following themes:


  • Healthy and affordable food: Local solutions that address gaps in the food system exposed by coronavirus, to build a sustainable food system that ensures all Victorians have access to healthy and affordable food.
  • Meaningful social connection: Local solutions that create ongoing and meaningful social connection opportunities.
  • Physical activity: Increasing opportunities for sport and active recreation whether it be through structured activities (teams and competitions) or supporting unstructured activities (social sport and encouraging people to walk, run, ride and skate).


Funding Information


  • Apply for grants of up to $3,000, up to $10,000 or up to $50,000 for local and community-led ideas and solutions that support the health and wellbeing of Victorian communities in their journey to building back better from the impacts of coronavirus and Victorian bushfires.
  • Deliver your ideas between July 2021 and June 2022.


Eligibility Criteria


VicHealth wants to hear from a range of eligible local organisations who can support Victorians hardest hit by the health and wellbeing impacts of coronavirus and Victorian bushfires.


To be eligible, organisations must have an active Australian Business Number (ABN) and be registered as one of the following organisation types: 


  • Incorporated body (legal name commonly includes ‘Association’ or ‘Cooperative’ or ‘Inc.’) or; 
  • Company limited by guarantee (legal name commonly includes ‘Ltd.’), or;
  • Victorian Local Government Entity


For more information, visit VicHealth.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 23 Mar 2021

Donor Name


Grant Size

10000 to $ 100000



Referene URL
Focus Country(ies)

All Countries

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