UNWOMEN Call for Proposal for Economic Reintegration of Victims of VAW_for Publication - Republic of North Macedonia

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and UNWOMEN has announce a call for proposals for Economic Reintegration of Victims of VAW_for Publication to engage a civil society organization legally registered in the Republic of North Macedonia.

The programme "Implementing Norms, Changing Minds" Phase II aims at reducing gender-based discrimination and violence against women and girls (VAW) - by: creating an enabling legislative and policy environment in line with international standards on eliminating VAW and all forms of discrimination; promoting favorable social norms and attitudes and preventing discrimination and VAW; and empowering women and girls (including women from minority groups) who have experienced discrimination or violence to advocate for and use available, accessible and quality services. 


For Phase II, UN Women is issuing a Call for Proposals to select a Responsible Party to contribute to the programme "To empower women and girls (including those from disadvantaged groups) who have experienced discrimination or violence to advocate for and use available, accessible and quality services ", "Better access to and improved service provision to women from minority and disadvantaged groups." In this regard, the chosen CO is expected to undertake activities under the following indicator: 

  • Percentage of total capacity development initiatives for service providers undertaken with service providers working primarily with and/or representing minority and disadvantaged groups of women. 


"Better access to and improved service provision to women from minority and disadvantaged groups," it is expected that the selected CSO will, inter alia:


  • Develop a methodology to identify a target group of around 10-15 women survivors of violence, including minority women and vulnerable groups of women, current or former users of specialized services, and conduct a socio-economic needs assessment of the identified women, prior to the mentorship programme; 
  • Organize six to eight months social mentorship programme with capacity building activities for the target group, to provide a safe space to enhance their skills, gain relevant experience, and increase their self-worth; 
  • Establish mentor-mentee pairs for continuous support to the mentees during and after the mentorship programme;
  • Develop a capacity tool to assess mentees' individual skills and interests aiming to guide and support those with reinforced entrepreneurial skills who aspire to enter the labour market as entrepreneurs, to develop their business plan and start up their own or joint business, and/or apply for business grants; or 
  • Build partnerships with selected (inclusive) private businesses to explore possibilities for employment of the women mentees who show such interest; 
  • Monitor and evaluate the impact of this mentorship programme beyond the initial mentoring activities and provide a set of recommendations for a next cycle/future use;
  • Conduct a desk review/research to map successful models of (re)integration of vulnerable categories of women (with a focus on women survivors of violence) at the national and regional levels. 


Funding Information


  • The budget for this proposal should be up to USD 87,500.00
  • Duration of the projecy: 18 months, tentatively within June 2021-December 2022.




  • Technical/functional competencies required;
    • A track record of working with marginalized communities, with a specific focus on economic empowerment, mentorship programs and similar;  
    • Specialized knowledge, expertise, and track record of working with vulnerable and marginalized groups, with a focus on women's human rights and ending discrimination; 
    • Experience in implementing capacity building activities on economic empowerment and re-integration; 
    • Experience in working on violence against women issues. 
  • Other competencies, which while not required, can be an asset for the performance of services
    • Experience in working with UN and/or other international agencies. 


For more information, visit UNDP.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 01 Apr 2021

Donor Name

United Nations Development Programme

Grant Size

10000 to $ 100000



Referene URL
Focus Areas of Interest

Civil Society (CSO)

Focus Country(ies)

All Countries

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