The European Union (EU) has announced a call for proposals for the 2021 Civil Society Organizations in the Philippines.
The global objective of this call for proposals is to support CSO's contributions towards reinforced governance, social change and inclusive policy-making in the Philippines and strengthen the capacity of Philippines civil society organisations.
The specific objective(s) of this call for proposals is/are:
- Enhance local governance through participation of CSOs in public decision making processes and in social accountability
- Strengthening capacities of local CSOs for improved internal governance, management, representativeness and sustainability
All proposals must clearly identify the focal theme addressed by the action. Under this Call for Proposals, the projects to be financed should be any one of the following lots:
- LOT 1: Enhance local governance through participation of CSOs in public decision making processes and in social accountability - to make LGUs and service providers responsive and accountable to the needs and requests of citizens, in particular of groups of people living in vulnerable situations, like women, children and youth, people living with disability, indigenous people, LGBTQI+, internally displaced people, people living in conflict situation and in disaster prone areas, farmers and fishers.
- LOT 2: Strengthening capacities of local CSOs for improved internal governance, management, representativeness and sustainability – in particular CSOs representing groups of people living in vulnerable situations, like women, children and youth, people living with disability, indigenous people, LGBTQI+, internally displaced people, people living in conflict situation and in disaster prone areas, farmers and fishers.
Funding Information
The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is EUR 1.830.601. The contracting authority reserves the right not to award all available funds.
Indicative allocation of funds by lot:
- Lot 1: EUR 915.301
- Lot 2: EUR 915.300
Eligibility Criteria
Lead applicant(s)
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must:
- be a legal person and
- be non-profit-making and
- be a specific type of organisation such as a non-governmental organisation, a civil society organisation or a civil society organisation association and
- be established in the Philippines or a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA) and
- be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the coapplicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
- Co-applicants participate in designing and implementing the action, and the costs they incur are eligible in the same way as those incurred by the lead applicant.
- Co-applicants must satisfy the eligibility criteria as applicable to the lead applicant himself.
- Co-applicants must sign the mandate form.
Affiliated entity(ies)
- The lead applicant and its co-applicant(s) may act with affiliated entit (ies).
- Only the following entities may be considered as affiliated entities to the lead applicant and/or to coapplicant(s):
- Only entities having a structural link with the applicants (i.e. the lead applicant or a co-applicant), in particular a legal or capital link.
- This structural link encompasses mainly two notions:
- Control, as defined in Directive 2013/34/EU on the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings:
- Entities affiliated to an applicant may hence be:
- Entities directly or indirectly controlled by the applicant (daughter companies or first-tier subsidiaries). They may also be entities controlled by an entity controlled by the applicant (granddaughter companies or second-tier subsidiaries) and the same applies to further tiers of control;
- Entities directly or indirectly controlling the applicant (parent companies). Likewise, they may be entities controlling an entity controlling the applicant;
- Entities under the same direct or indirect control as the applicant (sister companies).
- Membership, i.e. the applicant is legally defined as a e.g. network, federation, association in which the proposed affiliated entities also participate or the applicant participates in the same entity (e.g. network, federation, association,…) as the proposed affiliated entities.
For more information, visit EuropeAid and download the guidelines.