Submit Applications for Junoon Annual Award 2021 - India


The Goonj is inviting applications for its Annual Award ‘Junoon’ 2021 to promote impactful stories of change in the development sector. The Goonj wishes to incorporate/constitute an Annual Award which recognises the efforts of civil society organisations in specific areas of disaster relief, health, livelihood, education etc.

The entry form is intuitively designed in such a way as to capture genuine efforts and intent. This Award does not have any specific category, which goes in hand with objective of identifying wholesome efforts by organisations of any scale, large or small in any theme from water to livelihood generation to human rights to Menstruation health management etc.


  • Participation: To share best practices and build a network of practitioners and doers with the most diverse ideas and initiatives.
  • Award Collaboration: Be recognized as best efforts during the lockdown 2020: Awardees will be requested for proposals to work in collaboration with Goonj.
  • Platform: An appreciative platform to get recognized in the development space across genres and theme.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Projects/efforts/initiatives started by organisations to specifically combat the challenge of Covid 19 pandemic.
  • Initiatives/efforts/projects done specifically during the lockdown period from March 2020 to December 2020.
  • Project needs to be functional and operational at the time of application
    • Same Projects/Efforts/Initiatives cannot be submitted twice by the organisation
    • Starred fields in the form are mandatory fields to be filled by the applicant
    • A mandatory Proof of Work in a video format needs to be submitted along with the application form.
  • The video need not be of high resolution or a professional one but basic video etiquettes are to be maintained.
  • Entries with complete form details only will be accepted and taken into consideration.
    • Any misrepresentation or false information regarding the initiative/effort in the entry form will disqualify the applicant.
  • All the candidates will be informed about their application status post the Jury round.

For more information, visit Junoon Annual Award 2021


Important Dates

Post Date - 09 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 21 Mar 0021

Donor Name


Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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