The Steve Waugh Foundation is pleased to announce the Rarest Diseases Grants Program to support those with the rarest diseases in Australia, especially that are ineligible for support from other sources.
The Foundation will Fund
The Foundation will consider funding:
- Treatment
- Equipment
- Some, but not all, minor house renovations or items that improve the quality of life for the applicant and their family
The Foundation does NOT Fund
The Foundation is not currently able to provide financial assistance for, and is not limited to:
- Purchase of new or used vehicles or their modification
- Major house modifications
- Rent, mortgage payments, household utility expenses, general living expense
- Conferences, workshops, meetings
- Travel - both local and international
- Research and clinical trials
- The Steve Waugh Foundation (‘the Foundation’) will support children and young adults aged 0-25 years who have a rare disease with a prevalence of at least 2:100,000.
- You must be an Australian Citizen or an Australian permanent resident of at least 5 years to gain assistance from the Foundation;
- Have a recognised rare disease as identified on ORPHANET
- Have an Australian Medicare Card
- Have already made an application for Government funding assistance for the requested item, either State or Federal. e.g the NDIS
- The rare disease has been formally and officially diagnosed by a Paediatrician and/or a Geneticist.
- You have and can provide evidence of the diagnosis of the rare disease signed off by a Paediatrician or Geneticist.
- You have and can provide medical, health and other documentation or support material required as part of this Application.
Please provide:
- Name of rare disease/condition and your medical specialist's (not GP or therapist) email address
- Proof of minimum 5 year Australian residency/citizenship (e.g passport/Medicare card/birth certificate)
- Private health insurance information
- Government assistance details (e.g National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan)
- Quote/invoice for items or services being requested
- Income and expenses details
- Tax return/payslip
For more information, visit Steve Waugh Foundation.