NFU Mutual Charitable Trust Fund to Provide Funding to Larger Initiatives - United Kingdom

NFU Mutual Charitable Trust is seeking applications for its Funding program that is focused on providing funding to larger initiatives, which would have a significant impact on the rural community.

The Trustees are particularly interested in initiatives in the areas of education of young people in rural areas and relief of poverty within rural areas.

The objectives of The NFU Mutual Charitable Trust are to promote, facilitate and support such purposes as are exclusively charitable according to the laws of England and Wales in the areas of agriculture, rural development and insurance in the United Kingdom and in particular:

  • To advance the education of the public by means of research and dissemination of information in relation to agriculture
  • To advance the education of young people within rural areas
  • To relieve poverty within rural areas
  • To promote the benefit and social welfare of inhabitants of rural communities by associating together with the inhabitants and local authorities, voluntary and other organizations to advance education and leisure
  • To promote research into agricultural associated activities
  • To advance the education of the public by means of research and dissemination of information in relation to insurance

Funding Information

Small donations up to a maximum of £250 are awarded through NFU Mutual’s Community Giving Fund which supports worthwhile community events, charities, schools and community group activities that are local to our operations.

They do not provide funds for the following:

  • University fees
  • Salaries
  • Overseas Appeals

For more information, visit NFU Mutual.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 28 May 2021

Donor Name

NFU Mutual Charitable Trust

Grant Size

N/A to $ 1000



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