Call for Proposals for Protecting Civic Space in Asia-Pacific during COVID-19

The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) is pleased to invite proposals for grants as part of its project to counter COVID-related restrictions on civic freedoms and protect civic space during the pandemic.

In this context, the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) seeks to support civil society organizations (CSOs) in Asia and the Pacific to carry out short-term, high impact activities to protect civic space and resist restrictive governmental responses to COVID-19.

Proposals may seek to support civic space during the COVID-19 pandemic by addressing topics including, but not limited to, countering authoritarian and securitized pandemic approaches; addressing COVID-related disinformation and free expression restrictions; improving procedures for online consultations and public participation during a time of lockdowns; strengthening oversight of contact tracing apps, surveillance and the collection and use of personal data through artificial intelligence or other means as part of government public health approaches; in-depth monitoring to track COVID-19 related governance measures and their impacts on civil society; advocacy campaigns to improve emergency/COVID-related laws and decisions impacting the right to free expression, association, and/or peaceful assembly; and organizing local meetings or trainings to promote local participation in legal reform processes related to emergency measures.


The applicant may select from a broad range of activities designed to achieve the grant’s objective, including, but not limited to:

  • Collecting information around the implementation of COVID-19 regulations and legislation affecting CSOs; developing legal analyses, white papers, and policy briefs; and proposing legal and policy recommendations to protect civic space.
  • Developing new tools, strategies, activities, and alliances to advocate for greater protections of fundamental freedoms in response to COVID-19.
  • Conducting roundtables, seminars, or informational campaigns to formulate civil society strategies and raise awareness on specific topics related to civic space constraints during COVID-19.

Funding Information

Grants of up to $25,000 USD are available for projects

Eligibility Criteria

Open to any organization registered in the Indo-Pacific region.

For more information, visit ICNL.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 31 May 2021

Donor Name

International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL)

Grant Size

10000 to $ 100000



Referene URL

TC App for Grants & Funds

TC OCAT for Capacity Assessment

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