UNDP Call for Proposals - Support to Local Economic Development in Indonesia

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites you to participate in a Call for Proposals for CSO/NGO to support RESTORE (Response Toward Resilience) project, Support to Local Economic Development in Lubuk Bangkar Village, Batang Asai Sub-District, Sarolangun District, Jambi.

The Local Economic Development Program focused on promoting economic recovery at the community level, especially in the post-disaster and COVID-19 response. The main goal is to enhance the community's knowledge and capacity to recover from disaster and COVID-19 impacts. The main target is to enhance the MSMEs and community’s capacity in resilient recovery through the provision of assistance to developing local commodity, business diversification, enhance value chains and supply chains, digital marketing strategy, etc.


The ultimate objective of livelihoods strategy in context disaster recovery is to restore the elements of the SLF through which sustainable livelihood outcomes can be achieved (productive assets, livelihood strategies, context, institutions, and regulations). In this way, the SLF works as an operational umbrella for the planning, coordination, and implementation of livelihood recovery interventions. The SLF provides an effective way for organizing interrelated actions and sectors towards the rebuilding of livelihoods and strengthening of resilience in the face of new or recurrent hazards and climate risks.


After series of consultations with BAZNAS, the program has targeted several local economic interventions to support community and livelihood resilience. To achieve targeted program output in local economic development in Lubuk Bangkar Village, some activities need to be implemented as follows:


  • Strengthening the micro hydro power plant management: In this phase, the development is expected to be able to further motivate and regenerate the economy as well as social aspects in society, amidst the problem of electricity availability. In this regard, gender implications of access to electricity have found numerous benefits for women and girls. So, to obtain inclusive development opportunities, it is necessary to involve various parties including women's participation in access, control, decision-making, and benefits. Below are the key activities that need to be undertaken:
    • Creating a business model (including organizational structure) for the micro hydro power plant management at the community level. 
    • Organizing training in governance, technical work, finance, and partnerships. 
    • Strengthening disaster mitigation and management, including synergy/formation of disaster preparedness groups.
  • Capacity building for tourism awareness groups As an effort to achieve Sustainable Tourism for Development, capacity building is expected to make the industry more resilient and better-equipping destinations and communities with the knowledge and skills. Besides, the program should facilitate the assistance in implementing tourism activities and training on monitoring and evaluation that necessary to face various risks. Finally, capacity building and training are expected to improve the ability of women and youth in such an inclusive approach to run the tourism enterprises (e.g., perpetrators of typical homestay and home food industry managers) so that they would increase and do the involvement better in the future. Below are the key activities that need to be undertaken:
    • Prepare a tourist destination development plan. 
    • Forming a conscious group following the development of the organization. 
    • Organizing tourism development training (communication, marketing, partnerships, etc.). 
  • Capacity building for natural resource management groups and optimization of local commodities Through this capacity building, natural resource management groups are expected to produce valuable commodities and efficiently through the development of planning and training in the management process, financial management, market access, and partnerships. In the final phase, they expected to increase the quantity of the products and selling values. It is one of the diversity initiatives that emphasizes inclusion by involving women groups to achieve those aims. Below are the key activities that need to be undertaken:
    • Prepare an MSME business development plan (coffee, rubber, coconut, village granary, or other potential commodities). 
    • Organizing production capacity development training (at the least, covering good agricultural practices – GAP, responsible sourcing for smallholders – RSS, better management processes – BMP). 
    • Organizing financial literacy training.
    • Organizing marketing training and partnerships to gain market access as well as identifying potential offtakers. 
  • Initiating vocational education for youth To support economic development, education is an important factor in improving the community’s quality of life. In this regard, vocational education is expected to increase literacy as an effort to create an open mindset and increase public knowledge in managing economic resources that are characterized by socio-local characteristics. Equal actions or approaches for women and men, should also be applied during activity design and implementation. Below are the key activities that need to be undertaken:
    • Initiating vocational schools for coffee (or other superior commodities) as a medium for learning cultivation (including programs/curriculums). 
    • Developing creative product groups (handicrafts) as a new form of business.


The programme would be implemented in Lubuk Bangkar Village, Batang Asai Sub-district, Sarolangun District, Jambi Province within the following outputs: a) micro hydro power plant management, b) tourism development, c) local economic development in the forms of MSMEs cultivating local commodities, d) vocational training, e) local policy enhancement. The program targets are community/economic-groups/MSMEs affected by COVID-19.


Eligibility Criteria


The grant recipient (civil society or non-governmental organization) with experiences in:


  • At least 4 years or more of work experience in the area of collaborative management of community development, livelihood, local economic development planning, and stakeholder coordination in rural areas. The proposal shall include structure of Team Leader and members and their background and areas of expertise.
  • At least 4 years experiences working with the Government of Indonesia on related key issues of water and sanitation, environment, disaster management, or economic/livelihood development would be an advantage.


For more information, visit UNDP.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 04 Mar 2021

Donor Name

United Nations Development Programme

Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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