United Kingdom: Nuffield Foundation accepting Applications for Research, Development and Analysis Fund

The Nuffield Foundation is currently accepting applications for the Research, Development and Analysis Fund.

Research, Development and Analysis fund is for projects to inform the design and operation of social policy and practice across the three core domains of Education, Welfare and Justice.




  • Relevance – an interesting question/issue that fits the Nuffield Foundation’s mission and is relevant to the questions in the three domains. There should be a clear articulation of what you intend to do, why it matters, and what difference it will make.
  • Rigour – for analysis and drawing conclusions as well as design/data collection. Methods need to be right for the question (and many of the questions need some quantitative analysis).
  • Engagement – with policy and/or practice, as well as public dissemination through the media and other channels. Engagement needs to be end-to-end, not just at dissemination stage.
  • Impact – explanation of the potential for impact: clarity of outputs and outcomes and the relationship between the two.
  • Resources – strong team and appropriate budget.


Funding Information


Applications for research, development and analysis grants are usually between £10,000 and £500,000. Most of the grants they award are between £50,000 and £300,000 and are between six months and three years in duration, but they will occasionally consider proposals with a larger budget or longer timescale.


Eligibility Criteria


  • In general, they award grants to a wide range of organisations including, but not confined to, universities based in the UK and for projects focused on the UK context. They do however, welcome applications from UK-based organisations to carry out collaborative projects, possibly involving overseas partners (and/or exploiting data relating to other countries), for example where:
    • These provide useful comparators for UK experience in the areas of substantive interest.
    • There are lessons to be learned from international experiences.
    • Policy or practice overseas might be adapted for the UK.
    • There is a capacity building dimension that might benefit the UK.
  • In exceptional circumstances, they might consider an application from an overseas organisation along the lines of the above where there is no workable arrangement whereby a UK-based organisation can host the grant. In these cases, the applicant must convince them that there are adequate arrangements for dissemination, engagement and impact in the UK context.


For more information, visit Nuffield Foundation.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 15 Mar 2021

Donor Name

Nuffield Foundation

Grant Size

100000 to $ 500000



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