Request for Proposals: Buy Local Buy Wisconsin Grant Program – United States

Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection is seeking proposals for its Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin (BLBW) Grant program to increase awareness and consumption of locally produced foods and related products and to increase the production and improve the distribution of foods and related products for local consumption.

The Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin (BLBW) program seeks to increase awareness and consumption of locally produced foods and related products and to increase the production and improve the distribution of foods and related products for local consumption. The Buy Local Buy Wisconsin Grant program is an economic development program designed to help the Wisconsin agricultural and food industry find ways to improve food production, processing, marketing, and distribution with the ultimate goal of expanding Wisconsin’s local food system.

DATCP may award grants to individuals or organizations to fund projects that are designed to increase the sale of Wisconsin agricultural or food products to local purchasers. This includes grants for projects to create, expand, diversify, or promote any of the following:

  • Local food marketing systems and market outlets.
  • Local food and cultural tourism routes.
  • Production, processing, marketing, and distribution of Wisconsin food products primarily for sale to local purchasers.

Funding Information

  • A total of $300,000 is available in grant funding through the program
  • Requests must be between $5,000 and $50,000.
  • Budget must show at least a 1-to-1 match

Eligible Applicants

  1. Individual independent producers selling locally, individual independent processors using WI ingredients (that make up 51% of their product by weight, it must be demonstrated in the grant that they are purchasing WI product by listing their suppliers and their product used), groups of independent producers (e.g. 4 farms working together), and Farmer/Rancher Cooperatives, Grower Associations, schools and institutions, food service operations, and nonprofits. Producers and processors will receive extra consideration.
  2. Proposals may involve collaborations or partnerships between producers, food businesses, industry, academia or organizations and schools and institutions, food service operations. Applicants may cooperate with any public or private organization. Applicants MUST supply proof of operation for at least 2 years.
  3. Each applicant must designate an individual who has authority to sign a contract with DATCP on its behalf. Each applicant must also indicate an individual who will be the lead person responsible for implementing the project. Each applicant, including co-applicants, must demonstrate a proven ability to carry out all elements of the proposed project. Preference will be given to projects whose lead person or entity has a proven track record of grant management and/or a long-standing track record of strong fiscal experience and capability. Employees of DATCP and family members (i.e., mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, and children) are not eligible to receive a grant or participate as a project collaborator.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Project must be completed within 24 months after contract is signed by DATCP. A no-cost extension of up to one year is available upon request and is granted at the discretion of DATCP.
  • Primary beneficiaries are Wisconsin agriculture products based businesses (including farms, value-added food businesses, processors, growers associations, famer/rancher coops, schools and institutions, food service operations, and non-profit organizations).
  • Private farms or agribusinesses applying for funds must be selling at least 51% of their agricultural products locally. Value-added food businesses, or processors must be purchasing, or growing at least 51% of their product (by weight) ingredients locally.
  • If you have received funding from the Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin Grant program within the last four years, you are not eligible to apply.
  • If you currently have any grant with DATCP’s Division of Agricultural Development you are not eligible to apply (this includes Specialty Crop Block Grants and Dairy Processor Grants).
  • Dairy processors looking for grant funds should apply for DATCP’s Division of Agricultural Development’s Dairy Processors Grant.

For more information, visit DATCP.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 26 Mar 2021

Donor Name

Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Grant Size

10000 to $ 100000



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