Applications are now open for Strengthening of Rights Holders and Bearers of Obligations within the Framework of Sexual and Reproductive Rights and the Fight against Gender-Based Violence in Kindia and Mamou.
- Lot 1: Strengthening of rights holders for the respect, protection and care sexual and reproductive rights in the Kindia region (Telimélé and Kindia prefectures).
- Lot 2: Strengthening of rights holders for the respect, protection and care sexual and reproductive rights in the Mamou region (Mamou prefecture)
- Lot 3: Strengthening of duty bearers with support to health services in the in charge of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and gender-based violence (GBV) in the Kindia region (Telimélé and Kindia prefectures).
- Lot 4: Strengthening of duty bearers with support for health services in the in charge of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and gender-based violence (GBV) in the region of Mamou (prefecture of Mamou)
Expected Results
Lot 1 and 2
- Communities and in particular women, youth and adolescents have improved their knowledge of women's rights in relation to sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence.
- Civil society actors ensure the promotion and application of laws related to the law women and girls and provide victims with appropriate support
- Young people make choices and adopt responsible behaviors with regard to their health and male / female relationships.
- A community referral system for cases of gender-based violence is set up square
Lot 3 and 4
- Health care providers offer quality SRH services (SONU, PF 1)
- Health care providers ensure effective management of gender-based violence in respect for the legal framework and in accordance with health and equality of opportunity and gender standards in matter;
- A referral system for GBV cases received at the health center is operational in accordance with international consensus.
- The health service package adapted to adolescents and young people is integrated into training sanitary facilities.
Funding Information
Any grant request under this call for proposals must respect the amounts following maximum:
- Lot 1: maximum amount: 150,000 EUR
- Lot 2: maximum amount: 250,000 EUR
- Lot 3: maximum amount: 70,000 EUR
- Lot 4: maximum amount: 130,000 EUR
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for grants, the applicant must meet the following conditions (cumulative):
For the organization:
- be a legal person;
- be a national or international non-governmental organization
- be established in Guinea for more than three years with concrete actions of development in one or more intervention zones namely: Conakry, Kindia, Mamou
- Have 3 years of experience in the implementation of projects addressing the theme GBV and SSR in Guinea or West Africa.
- Having experience in other West African countries is an asset.
- have already managed two projects in the last 5 years for at least from 150,000 €
- documented by certificates and grant agreements (to be attached to the request)
- be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the (s) co-applicant (s) and not act as an intermediary
For lots 1 and 2:
- Have experience in implementing projects addressing these themes in Guinea or in a West African country (community mobilization on the theme sexual and reproductive health, mobilization of young people and adolescents, mobilization of communities around gender-based violence)
- Have already worked with NGOs / local associations of young people and / or women in West Africa.
- Have a pearl expertise in support of the action with a minimum of 3 years’ experience in the field of gender or gender violence
- Have a pearl expertise in support of the action having a minimum of 3 years’ experience in the field of sexual and reproductive health, including a doctor or a socio-anthropologist.
- Have a pearl expertise in support of the action having experience in the area of rights is an asset.
For lots 3 and 4:
- Have experience in the implementation of projects addressing these themes in at leastleast one West African country (Support for health systems, strengthening ofcapacities of managers and healthcare providers in DPS, DRS, hospitals, health centers, relationship between supply and demand for care in the areas relevant
- Ability to work in collaboration with academic actors, PTFs, ministries and documentation of experiences
- Have a pearl expertise in support of the action with a minimum of 3 years’ experience in the field of gender-based violence
- Have a pearl expertise in support of the action having a minimum of 3 years’ experience in sexual and reproductive health, including a physician.
- Have a pearl expertise in support of the action having experience in the area of rights is an asset.
For more information, visit Enable.