United States: Golden LEAF Foundation seeking Proposals for Economic Catalyst Program

The Golden LEAF Foundation is currently seeking proposals for the Economic Catalyst Program to support permissible activities in projects in which a company will commit to create a specific number of full time jobs in a tobacco-dependent or economically distressed area.

An applicant can demonstrate that a project is AT RISK by identifying a funding gap that exists that would significantly impair the applicant’s ability to attract the anticipated jobs if Golden LEAF does not make a grant for the project.


Examples of other factors that may be considered to determine whether a project is AT RISK without Golden LEAF support include:


  • evidence of urgency for financial assistance necessary to facilitate job creation;
  • whether local governments have provided support for the project at levels that are appropriate in light of available resources. (Golden LEAF funds will not be available to satisfy shortfalls resulting from local policies limiting local support for a project.); and
  • whether the applicant has secured or attempted to secure funding for the project from other sources such as the State of North Carolina, the North Carolina Department of Commerce, EDA, ARC, and others.


The Golden LEAF Foundation will consider at least the following factors when determining whether to fund a project and at what level:


  • the economic distress of the community in which the jobs would be created,
  • the number of jobs to be created,
  • the quality of jobs to be created, measured by factors including wages paid and skill levels involved.


Examples of other factors Golden LEAF may consider when determining the amount and availability of funding for a project include:


  • the economic impact of project, including costs and benefits to the state;
  • the strategic importance of the project to the state, region, or community;
  • the importance of the industry to the state, region, and community;
  • the quality and viability of the company that will create the jobs assessed by factors including how long the company has been in operation and its financial success;
  • the Golden LEAF grant will address needs that are directly related to job creation from the project;
  • there is competition for the project with a site outside North Carolina;
  • Golden LEAF support will also help avoid imminent job losses.


Proposals for Economic Catalyst grants should be coordinated with the other economic development entities, including:


  • North Carolina Department of Commerce,
  • the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina and
  • local and regional economic development organizations.


Eligibility Criteria


  • Eligible applicants are governmental entities and 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organizations.
  • Applications in this program must be for projects that will lead to job creation by a company that will commit to create the jobs if Golden LEAF provides a grant for the project.
  • An application for funding must be submitted before the project announces its decision to locate and create jobs in North Carolina.
  • Competitive applications will include information showing that the expected job creation is AT RISK without Golden LEAF support.


For more information, visit Golden LEAF Foundation.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 22 Apr 2021

Donor Name

Golden LEAF Foundation

Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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