Applications are now open for the 2021 Trull Foundation's Grants Program.
The Trull Foundation's main focus areas include the following:
- children in rural areas
- those affected by substance abuse
- the Palacios Texas area
- the coastal Texas environment
The Foundation May:
- Help prospective grantees consider their funding resources and help plan project assistance.
- Support established agencies in development of new programs or in expansion of existing programs.
- Give priority to projects in Texas, in rural Texas communities and the Foundation’s four focus areas.
- Match other resources and offer challenge grants.
- Cooperate with other foundations in funding projects.
Eligibility Criteria
- Grants must be used for charitable or educational purposes and strictly in accordance with the proposal and budget submitted. All unexpended funds must be returned to the Foundation.
- Any scholarship funds granted are made to institutions and are administered by those institutions. No scholarships or other funds are granted to individuals.
- Funds are granted to organizations with a current Internal Revenue 501c(3) document or to:
- departments, agencies, and other services operated within federal, state or local government agencies and
- institutions and agencies affiliated with organized religions and religious bodies.
For more information, visit Trull Foundation.