Call for Proposals - Support to Person with Disability Community in Indonesia

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites you to participate in a Call for Proposals for CSO/NGO to support RESTORE (Response Toward Resilience) project, Support to Person with Disability Community.

UNDP is seeking the partnership with Organization of People with Disabilities (OPD). UNDP will scale up its intervention with PwD groups on developing inclusive communication awareness that is targeting to be published at public spaces such as in mode of public transportation. In addition, the OPD is expected to expand the advocacy with public transportation service providers to se To achieve targets, UNDP will intervene activities as follow: 


  • Develop inclusive communication awareness that relevant to the needs of People with disabilities group during COVID19 outbreaks. It includes all information to protect the target groups from infection and more adverse impacts of COVID19 
  • Conduct advocacy with public transportation service providers, policy makers and consultation with OPDs, to focus on strengthening the available mechanism /system that able to protect target group during COVID19 outbreaks 
  • Publication of communication awareness raising that adapted to the condition of PwD groups, in particular at public spaces, such as transportation, bus shelter, and other spots/areas in target cities.


Expected Outputs


Through the intervention, UNDP aims to target expected outputs, below:


  • Products of inclusive public communication awareness raising. It must consider certain types of character and needs of disability. UNDP with the selected partner from OPD will define the selection of the most vulnerable type of PwD during pandemic, that can be assisted using the UNDP’ resources. The development of digital inclusive communication products will be considered in the intervention, whenever is possible and required
  • Numbers of services providers are influenced by UNDP and OPDs to conduct and create protection to PwD groups service users, during COVID19 outbreaks. UNDP and partner of OPD will focus to certain public services, such as transportation that owned by government and private sector. 
  • Numbers of OPDs are consulted in designing and advocacy for inclusive communication awareness raising at target public services 
  • Publication of inclusive public communication awareness raising products at target public services that able to inform wide range audience, in particular PwDs


Eligibility Criteria


The grant recipient (civil society or non-governmental organization, academia) with experience as follows: 


  • At least 10 years or more of work experience in conducting advocacy in the area of people with disabilities (PWDs) and other vulnerable groups issues in Indonesia. The proposal must include structure of Team Leader and members and their educational background and areas of expertise. 
  • Have experience in providing policy inputs to government in area of people with PWDs and other other vulnerable groups issues in Indonesia 
  • Should at least have strong networks with government, institution and stakeholders in area of PWDs and GBV prevention and referral mechanism in Indonesia 
  • Have strong network with PWDs community-based organization, members, etc. including religiousbased institutions such as in education sector, community development, women organization.
  • Have familiarity with PWDs, Vulnerable Groups, policies in selected target areas


For more information, visit UNDP.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 01 Mar 2021

Donor Name

United Nations Development Programme

Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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