The French Embassy is launching, in partnership with the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, a Call for proposals aimed at strengthening Franco-Croatian partnerships among civil society organisations.
The objective of this Call is to encourage the development of joint projects between Croatian and French civil society organisations.
Priortiy Areas
Priority will be given to the projects dealing with one or more of the following topics:
- Priority 1: Gender equality and the fight against any type of gender-based discrimination i.e. actions / activities aimed at:
- promoting gender equality, for instance in the areas of access to employment, worklife balance, family protection issues (including violence against women), access to education, political participation;
- fight against discrimination - based on sexual orientation and any other type of discrimination.
- Priority 2: Reconciliation and promotion of tolerance i.e. actions / activities aimed at:
- supporting intercultural and interethnic dialogue processes at local, regional and national levels with the aim to enhance peaceful cohabitation and promote reconciliation;
- encouraging activities and exchanges of experiences aimed at spreading civic values and at promoting mutual trust and respect.
- Priority 3: Protection of the environment and the fight against climate change i.e. actions / activities aimed at:
- protecting marine and terrestrial biodiversity, promoting sustainable waste management, circular and social economy;
- Promoting energy transition, adaptation and climate change mitigation through innovation, awareness and education activities.
Funding Information
- With an estimated budget of 15.000 EUR for 2021, this Call provides an opportunity for Croatian NGOs to benefit from a grant (up to max 3.000 EUR) in order to implement targeted projects involving a French partner/s and/or French expertise.
- The maximum duration of the project is 12 months. Projects should start in 2021 and should be completed by May 2022. Activities occurring prior to April 2021 cannot be funded.
What types of activities can be supported?
- Organisation of conferences, roundtables, workshops and seminars involving French expertise;
- Activities oriented towards children and youth as target groups within the framework of crosscurricular subjects (on civic education, media literacy…);
- Organisation of study visits to France;
- Awareness raising, citizen mobilization and advocacy activities;
- Joint publications, trainings etc.
Eligibility Criteria
- The lead Applicant must be a non-profit civil society organisation registered in the Republic of Croatia and in the Register of Non-profit Organisations at least 12 months.
- The Applicant must have a transparent financial reporting (which can be seen in the Register of NonProfit Organisations, RNO).
For more information, visit French Embassy.