The Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration (PRM) is currently accepting proposals for the 2021 Innovation in Child Protection: Intersectoral Approaches for Child Well-Being.
PRM seeks proposals that utilize innovative approaches to improve the humanitarian response and enhance children’s well-being and healthy development through intersectoral interventions. PRM will prioritize proposals that identify new opportunities to improve the humanitarian response to ensure the centrality of child protection and child well-being. PRM seeks proposals that utilize global technical guidance and builds local and organizational capacity to implement intersectoral responses, especially guidance from the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action on child well-being. PRM will only select proposals that can demonstrate global impact, for example through supporting capacity building across regions or testing new approaches in diverse locations to generate new evidence. PRM will not consider proposals that focus specifically on child protection services, rather PRM seeks proposals that contribute to the global community of practice by demonstrating new ways to promote child protection through other sectoral interventions.
The child protection community of practice has developed numerous resources demonstrating the need for increased intersectoral responses for children, where children are placed at the center and all interventions consider opportunities to promote child wellbeing through prevention and identification of those in need of services.
Funding Information
Eligibility Criteria
For more information, visit
Post Date - 07 Nov 2020
Deadline Date - 14 Apr 2021
Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration (PRM)
100000 to $ 500000
TC App for Grants & Funds
TC OCAT for Capacity Assessment