Call for Applications: ARTICLE 19 Internet of Rights Fellowship

ARTICLE 19’s Team Digital is looking for one to two new fellows to join the 2021-2022 cohort of the Internet of Rights (IoR) Fellowship.

The Fellowship is designed to be flexible and dynamic to account for each fellow’s skills, interests, and experience. In line with the workplan, mentors will provide assistance such as advocacy coordination, support during meetings, ad hoc training, and in-depth research collaboration. Mentors will also facilitate fellows’ inclusion in global and regional networks of experts and activists working on digital rights and Internet governance issues, including current and former fellows.


The general goals of the IoR Fellowship are:

  • To protect and promote freedom of expression, freedom of association, privacy, and other human rights in key Internet technical standards and policy bodies.
  • To bridge the knowledge gap in these bodies regarding human rights and their relevance to Internet infrastructure.
  • To cultivate sustained and effective participation of civil society advocates in Internet technical standards and policy bodies.
  • To increase the diversity of representation in these bodies.


They are looking for the following qualities in their fellows:

  • Technical competence. While this may include knowledge of and experience in computer networking and protocols, systems design, and architecture, it is not necessary. They are looking for candidates who are capable of digesting complex or difficult concepts in technical policies or standards and explaining them to a wider audience.
  • Some prior experience of participating in Internet governance bodies, and/or in-depth knowledge of the Internet governance processes that are relevant to the applicant’s work plan proposal.
  • Strong research, writing, and speaking skills in English. The program will be conducted entirely in English.
  • A clear commitment to protecting and promoting human rights and Internet freedom.


Applicants from the global south, women, and other individuals that identify as part of underrepresented groups in Internet governance are especially encouraged to apply.

For more information, visit ARTICLE 19.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 03 Mar 2021

Donor Name

ARTICLE 19 Team Digital

Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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