Call for Applications: Operational Research to Support the Elimination of Communicable Diseases in the Latin American & Caribbean Region

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in collaboration with the Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), is pleased to announce the 2021 – 2022 call for applications for the Joint PAHO/TDR Small Grant Scheme for operational research to support the elimination of communicable diseases in the Latin American and Caribbean Region.

This call aligns with the EI which promotes linkages and synergies within the health system and with other sectors and uses a life course approach, emphasizing primary health care (PHC) and leveraging well-established PHC platforms. It seeks to achieve economies of scale; strengthen disease surveillance and health information systems; boost integration of quality-assured health services, health systems, and laboratory networks; promote operational research and facilitate policies that favor the elimination of the selected diseases, community mobilization, and health promotion efforts.

The focus for this call will be on the following group of diseases and/or health conditions that represent a significant burden and disproportionally affect the more vulnerable populations in the Region and whose elimination is feasible using available and innovative technical means. These are: trachoma, Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission (EMTCT) of Hepatis B virus and Chagas, schistosomiasis, soil transmitted helminthiasis (STH) and tuberculosis.

Priority Research Areas

  • Trachoma:
    • What are the facilitators and barriers mediating the face-washing with soap and water throughout the day, among children 1 to 9 years old in indigenous communities of the Amazon basin of Brazil, Colombia, and Peru where trachoma is documented as a public health problem? (PFII/2004/WS.1/3) (Indigenous communities where there is evidence of trachoma as a public health problem according to official information from the Ministries of Health of Brazil, Colombia and Peru). What is the most reliable metric for measuring them? What interventions should be implemented to increase facial cleanliness of children in this context?
    • Rapid assessments for trachoma among rural communities in the Amazon basin of Ecuador and Bolivia to provide information on the need or not to subsequently implement population-based surveys (The Amazon region of Bolivia and Ecuador according to official geographical information in both countries).
  • Elimination of Mother-to-Child Trasmission of Hepatitis B Virus and Chagas:
    • Assessment of the epidemiology and cascade of care and the coverage of interventions for prevention/treatment of HBV and Chagas for pregnant women, mothers and their children up to a definitive diagnosis and/or cure.
    • Design, pilot and evaluate an innovative model of care and service delivery in Mother-Child Health including antenatal care that addresses EMTCT of hepatitis B and Chagas, integrated with other diseases.
  • Schistosomiasis and Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis:
    • When delivering deworming drugs (as a public health intervention) for adolescent girls, women in reproductive age and pregnant women (eligible), what are the most effective strategies to achieve acceptance/compliance in populations living in endemic geographic areas?
    • Are snails still intermediate hosts for schistosomiasis transmission in St. Lucia and what malacological surveillance methods best answer this question?
  • Tuberculosis:
    • Pilot the introduction and scale up of treating latent TB with the short regimen of rifapentine plus isoniazid (3HP) and document the effectiveness and challenges of the interventions used.
    • Assess the increase in TB diagnosis using rapid tests in population under 15 years of age.

Funding Information

  • Financial support: A total of five proposals for up to US$ 30 000 per grant will be funded. Co-funding from domestic or other sources is encouraged.
  • Study duration: 12-18 months

Eligibility Criteria

  • Application must be complete and be submitted before the deadline;
  • Research proposed must be conducted in Latin America and the Caribbean;
  • Principal investigator must be based in institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, including national tropical/communicable disease control program, ministries of health, academic institutions, research institutes, national research institutions; and non-governmental organizations;
  • The research project proposed in the application must relate to the objective and scope described in the present call;
  • Proposals submitted should include a signed acknowledgement letter of the manager of the program area or person in charge of the program that is related to the project at any level of the public health/healthcare services (Primary Health Care Units, Municipal Secretaries of Health, State Department of Health, or National Ministry or Secretary of Health for example). The acknowledgement letter does not mean there is need of clearance for the project, as no technical assessment is needed at this level;
  • Applications are encouraged from everyone, irrespective of gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or belief, cultural and social background and (dis)ability.

For more information, visit Call for Applications.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 15 Mar 2021

Donor Name

Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR)

Grant Size

10000 to $ 100000



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