Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network's Small Grant Competitions (United Kingdom)

The Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network (VAMHN) will be hosting three calls for applications for small grants to support research in specific areas, to address identified gaps in knowledge, and to improve the knowledge-base in areas of new challenge or changing policy and practice.

Each of the three calls (one per year) will be themed: measurement, understanding and intervention.

Funding Information

Grants are available up to a maximum of £25,000 and can be used to deliver a targeted piece of research or to pump-prime larger projects.

Eligibility Criteria

Applications from UK HEIs or recognised ESRC Independent Research Organisations (IROs) in collaboration with non-academic bodies, charities, third sector organisations and other relevant agencies are welcome to apply. Projects co-led by a HEI or IRO in partnership with non-academic groupings are also strongly encouraged, however, due to UKRI funding requirements, funding may only be transferred to the HEI partner/IRO partner. They require that the co-applicant team be multi-disciplinary and welcome the inclusion of early career researchers and users/survivors as co-applicants.

For more information, visit VAMHN


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 11 Dec 2020

Donor Name

Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network (VAMHN)

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



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