Applications Open for LGBTQ+ Alliance Fund Grants Program – United States

The Community Foundations for Southern Arizona is seeking applications for the LGBTQ+ Alliance Fund Grants Program to foster charitable giving in support of innovative programs and initiatives that benefit the LGBTQ+ community in Southern Arizona. The LGBTQ+ Alliance Fund will consider applications for programs that fall into at least one or more of the following areas of interest and relationships to the LGBTQ+ Community. Special consideration will be given to programs that: incorporate collaboration between two or more organizations; clearly articulate measurable outcomes; can provide a clear description of plans to sustain the project beyond the grant year. Funding Areas LGBTQ+ Community Building and Collaborations – Projects that bring the LGBTQ+ community together and enhance it, as a whole. Programs that work in collaboration with each other to benefit the LGBTQ+ community in Southern Arizona. The Alliance Fund is interested in work that creates equity, solidarity, increases the well-being of LGBTQ+ communities, and advances gender, racial, and economic justice. Transgender Issues – They seek to support projects that provide information and assistance to help transgender individuals gain access to informed medical professionals and improve their agency, quality of life and sense of belonging. This may include projects that provide personal development, economic empowerment, education, and training programs, Youth and Elder Issues – The Alliance Fund supports our community at all phases of the age continuum. They support projects and organizations that aid LGBTQ+ elders in finding satisfactory basic support (housing, nutrition, health), in establishing good social networks, and in planning for the future (estate and end-of-life issues) General Operating Support – They recognize that general operating support provides vital support to organizations whose mission/work is to primarily support the LGBTQ+ Community in Southern Arizona may apply for general operating support. Funding Information The upper limit for grants from the Alliance Fund is generally $5000. Organization may request up to $7,500 in their application. The Alliance Fund may consider awarding grants up to $10,000. Requirements One of their guiding principles is to honor the rich diversity of their community and to promote equal opportunities for all people. Awards made by the Foundation’s various grant panels support organizations that do not discriminate in their employment practices, volunteer opportunities or delivery of programs and services on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, age, citizenship, disability, ethnicity, marital status, familial status, economic circumstances and/or veteran status. Specifically, the LGBTQ+ Alliance Fund is looking for programs and organizations that show dedication to supporting marginalized, unique, and under-represented identities in the LGBTQ+ community. Organizations and projects should provide services, programming, and support of those in the LGBTQ+ community that have been marginalized, discriminated against, or endure undue hardship for their identity within the LGBTQ+ community or any intersection that may compounds their identity. The applicant must be a 501(c)(3) in good standing, conducting charitable work in Southern Arizona. Grassroots groups that have identified a 501(c)(3) that will act as the fiscal agent may be eligible to apply. The applicant must have local leadership in the form of a board of directors or advisory committee, local financial support, and local program management and accountability. In the case of nationally sponsored organizations, no portion of the grant can be used to support the national, state or regional entity. The proposed program must directly benefit the people living in Southern Arizona. Grants are not made to individuals, for profit organizations, government entities, capital fund drives, agency endowments, individual schools or for sectarian purposes. The upper limit for grants from the Alliance Fund is generally $5000. Organization may request up to $7,500 in their application. Award amounts will be determined by a grants review committee. In some instances, when an organization can amply demonstrate that their agency or programs will have an extraordinary impact on the LGBTQ+ community, the Alliance Fund may consider awarding grants up to $10,000. For more information, visit Community Foundations for Southern Arizona.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 12 Feb 2021

Donor Name

Community Foundation for Southern Arizona

Grant Size

1000 to $ 10000



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