British Ecological Society accepting Proposals for Ecologists in Africa Grant Program

The British Ecological Society (BES) is currently accepting proposals for the Ecologists in Africa Grant Program to carry out innovative ecological research. BES recognises that ecologists in Africa face unique challenges in carrying out research; their grant is designed to support you to develop your skills, experience and knowledge base as well as making connections with ecologists in the developed world. They support excellent ecological science in Africa by funding services and equipment. Funding Information The maximum value of a grant is £8,000 for research. An additional sum up to £2,000 may be requested to fund travel to help you develop connections with other ecologists outside your usual peer group. This must be requested at the application stage. Travel funds are available to spend time working with ecologists in developed countries where facilities and experience will help you on return to your own institution. Successful applicants also receive two years of free BES membership and free online access to journals. Eligibility Criteria You should: be a scientist and a citizen of a country in Africa or its associated islands, that is a ‘low-income economy’ or ‘lower-middle-income economy’ according to the World Bank categorisation** have at least an MSc or equivalent degree be working for a university or research institution in Africa (including field centres, NGOs, museums etc.) that provides basic research facilities carry out the research in a country in Africa or its associated islands The proposed work must be completed within 18 months. ** This currently excludes – Botswana, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Libya, Namibia and South Africa. For more information, visit British Ecological Society.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 19 Mar 2021

Donor Name

British Ecological Society (BES)

Grant Size

1000 to $ 10000



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