Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs: 2021 Global Sports Mentoring Program

The Office of Citizen Exchanges, Sports Diplomacy Division, in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs announces an open competition for the FY 2021 Global Sports Mentoring Program (GSMP). By empowering women and people with disabilities, the GSMP directly supports U.S. foreign policy goals, promotes social inclusion, and elevates the status of marginalized populations. Public and private non-profit organizations may submit proposals to conduct two separate month-long professional development mentorship programs and a reciprocal overseas exchange involving approximately 75 international and American participants in total. Through the mentorship experience, the GSMP encourages mutually beneficial relationships between American sports executives and leaders in the sports sector overseas. Furthermore, the GSMP engages alumni from previous years through sustained U.S. Embassy relationships, follow-on individual grants to alumni, and monitoring and evaluation. Funding Information Approximate Number of Awards: One Approximate Average Award: $1,130,000 Ceiling of Award Range: $1,130,000 Eligibility Criteria Eligible Applicants: U.S. public and private non-profit organizations meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 USC 501(c)(3) may submit applications for this competition. Applicants must have nonprofit status with the IRS at the time of application. All applicants must also have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number and be registered in SAM.gov. Other Eligibility Requirements: Bureau grant guidelines require that organizations with less than four years of experience in conducting international exchanges be limited to $130,000 in Bureau funding. ECA anticipates making one cooperative agreement, in an amount of $1,130,000 to support program and administrative costs required to implement this exchange program. Therefore, organizations with less than four years of experience in conducting international exchanges are ineligible to apply under this competition. Technical Eligibility: All proposals must comply with the requirements stated in the NOFO, POGI (if applicable), and the Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI); noncompliance will result in proposal being declared technically ineligible and given no further consideration in the review process: All proposals must contain an executive summary (one page), proposal narrative (not to exceed twenty pages), detailed timeline and detailed budget (which includes a line-item budget and a budget narrative; in addition to the required SF Forms). Failure to submit all required elements will cause your proposal to be declared technically ineligible. If applicants’ organization is a private non-profit, you must submit the necessary documentation to verify non-profit status as directed in the PSI document. Failure to do so will cause applicants proposal to be declared technically ineligible. Eligible applicants may not submit more than one proposal in this competition. If more than one proposal is received from the same applicant, all submissions will be declared technically ineligible and will receive no further consideration in the review process. Please note: Applicant organizations are defined by their legal name, and EIN number as stated on their completed SF-424 and additional supporting documentation outlined in the Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI) document. For more information, visit 2021 GSMP.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 01 Apr 2021

Donor Name

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Grant Size

1000000 to $



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