This is Trust for Oxfordshire's Environment (TOE) Original Grant Programme for community groups and other charitable or non-profit organisations throughout Oxfordshire. TOE aims to support the delivery of a range of local and strategic projects which will deliver against the county’s priorities for increased sustainability and the emerging Nature Recovery Network. Priorities In 2015 OCC produced a Strategic Environmental Economic Investment Plan (SEEIP) which outlined the following priorities; Growing the green economy in Oxfordshire, including farming, forestry, low carbon energy, and environmental research and services Promoting and enabling access to Oxfordshire’s countryside, the River Thames and its tributaries, wildlife and heritage assets to attract and benefit residents, businesses and visitors Improving management of land in the Thames River Basin catchment for example to reduce flood risk, enhance water resources, and promote biodiversity Improving the setting of new and existing development and heritage assets by investing in strategic green infrastructure, including public open space, habitats, sustainable drainage systems, and walking and cycling connections Engaging people in their environment and encouraging more sustainable lifestyles Areas of Support Biodiversity - projects that create protect and enhance natural habitats, allowing wildlife to thrive and supporting nature’s recovery; and/or projects that improve the quality, quantity and coverage of voluntary species recording. Access - projects that improve public access to green spaces and the countryside, helping people connect with nature. Low Carbon - projects that lock-up carbon, such as tree planting, or innovative sustainability projects that help reduce carbon emissions in the first place. Funding Information Grants of up to £10,000 can be used to deliver projects that support at least one of the areas of support. Location of Projects TOE’s priority is to support projects located in Oxfordshire, but consideration can be given to projects which straddle county boundaries or which benefit communities in Oxfordshire and its immediate neighbourhood. TOE is keen to see its funds distributed across the county; we are unlikely to support several projects within one community. Projects to be funded with landfill tax credits must be less than 10 miles from a registered landfill site. Eligibility Criteria TOE can fund not for profit organisations including voluntary groups, Parish Councils, charities and Community Interest Companies. Local Authorities such as County and District Councils may also apply for grants, but TOE generally prefers applications to be submitted by local community groups or charities. For more information, visit Main Fund.
Post Date - 07 Nov 2020
Deadline Date - 25 Jan 2021
Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment
10000 to $ 100000
TC App for Grants & Funds
TC OCAT for Capacity Assessment