Call for Proposals: Aid for the Preservation of Jobs in Activities Affected by COVID-19 (Coronavirus

The European Structural and Investment Funds has announced a Call for Proposals for Aid for the preservation of jobs in activities affected by COVID-19 (coronavirus) which will be funded as a direct allocation of funds under Priority Axes 1 "High employability and labor mobility" Specific objective 8. i.3 “Preservation of jobs, retention in employment of workers who have been declared redundant and strengthening the rapid re-employment of persons who are became unemployed after being declared redundant " Operational Program "Effective Human Resources 2014-2020." Call for proposals for the operation "Aid for the preservation of jobs in activities affected by COVID-19 (coronavirus)” is intended financing the measure of active employment policy in the competence of Croatia Employment Bureaus, public institutions owned by the Republic of Croatia, which has the authority to implement active employment policy measures. The operation is based on one of the measures to help the economy in the middle coronavirus epidemics adopted by the Government of the Republic of Croatia at the session held on March 17, 2020. Grant of support for the preservation of working sites in activities affected by COVID-19 (coronavirus) will contribute retaining workers in employment, as well as mitigating the consequences of disruption economic activities of the affected activities, and the activities of this operation will directly contribute to the realization of Specific Objective 8.i.3 of the OP HRM. Funding Information Maximum amount for co-financing the operation provided by this Call amounts to HRK 836,000,000.00. Eligible Activities Project management and administration Implementation of the procedure for granting support for the preservation of jobs in employers who due to special circumstances caused by coronavirus (COVID-19) disrupted economic activity Promotion and visibility Geographical restrictions (if applicable): The activities of the operation are carried out in the Republic of Croatia. Eligibility Criteria The eligible applicant under this Call is the Croatian Institute for employment, a public institution owned by the Republic of Croatia, which has responsibility for the implementation of active employment policy measures and implements operation in accordance with the identified target groups defined in the framework Specific objective 8.i.3 “Preservation of jobs, retention in employment redundant workers and strengthening rapid re-employment persons who became unemployed after being declared redundant " Operational Program "Effective Human Resources 2014-2020", which is can be identified as only one predetermined applicant, and that based on laws and / or bylaws and / or strategic documents (strategies, guidelines, action plans and / or other valid strategic documents adopted by the relevant authorities). For more information, visit Republic of Croatia.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 31 Jan 2021

Donor Name

European Structural and Investment Funds

Grant Size

1000000 to $



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