The Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation is seeking applications for its 2021 Community Impact Fund cycle. The grant focus is on agencies working with at-risk youth and demonstrating measurable results. In 2019, the Foundation expanded its focus, taking into consideration that the success of young people is connected in-part to the success of their caregivers. Using a two-generational approach, the CCGF now also considers proposals from agencies that support the parents, guardians and caregivers of at-risk youth hoping to break the cycle of poverty one family at a time. Focus Areas Programs serving at-risk youth and those that care for them, and which specifically addresses one of these areas: Early Childhood Literacy and/or quality-rated child care; Teen pregnancy and births to unwed young mothers; Juvenile crime and gang activity; High School graduation and workforce readiness; Youth development and innovative education strategies; or risk reduction, including child protective, substance abuse, and/or mental health services. Services that concentrate on parenting, job skills and financial security for adults Funding Information Amount: Grant proposals may request funding up to $7,500. Preference will be given to those projects and programs that: Show collaboration; Show ability to mobilize diversified financial support and in-kind support and volunteers to sustain the program; Document the need they seek to address using quality research methods; Offer innovative strategies and creative solutions without duplicating services; Demonstrate past performance in delivering quality service to the residents of more than one county in the service area. Eligibility Criteria The Foundation invites applications from non-profit, public charities and educational institutions serving the citizens of Glynn, McIntosh, and/or Camden Counties. Governmental agencies, religious and civic organizations will also be considered if the grant is to be used strictly for charitable purposes as defined by the Internal Revenue Code, Section 170. Requirements: Current I.R.S. determination letter; Registered as a nonprofit with the Georgia Secretary of State Service to residents in the counties of Glynn, McIntosh, and/or Camden Counties; Board of directors with representation from the community/communities served; Annual plan and budget; Audited financial statements for the last fiscal year if annual budget is greater than $500,000, or a review by an independent, certified public accountant if annual budget is less; Fulfilled reporting requirements of prior CCGF grants (As stated in the 2020 grant cycle, a one paragraph report describing the use of the funds is sufficient for the 2020 reporting requirement which must be submitted prior to application for 2021.) Documentation of some matching support. Only one proposal may be submitted per organization. For more information, visit Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation.
Post Date - 07 Nov 2020
Deadline Date - 26 Feb 2021
Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation
1000 to $ 10000
TC App for Grants & Funds
TC OCAT for Capacity Assessment