United Kingdom: SHIRE Environment Grant Program 2020-21

The Leicestershire County Council is seeking applications for the SHIRE Environment Grant Program 2020- 21 to improve the local environment through waste prevention and reuse to minimize the amount of thrown away, reducing carbon and improving biodiversity. They are keen to support projects that can maintain or build on some of the positive environmental benefits that have arisen from the current COVID 19 situation, such as; reduced carbon emissions, increased biodiversity, improved air quality, greater appreciation of nature and green spaces etc. Outcomes The primary outcomes , they are seeking to achieve through the SHIRE Environment Grant are: To reduce the amount of household waste produced in Leicestershire. Projects must follow the waste hierarchy (reduce, reuse, recycle): This could be achieved through various waste activities such as engaging communities in recycling, food waste reduction and composting as well as reuse activities which encourage resourcefulness through repairing, refurbishing, repurposing, sharing and swapping. Please be aware that they cannot fund litter picks as a standalone activity as they do not meet the primary outcome of reducing household waste. To reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions within communities: This could be achieved by increasing the efficiency of community buildings, encouraging resource efficiency as well as low carbon and energy projects and projects that reduce emissions from travel and transport. To improve biodiversity and support the creation, protection, enhancement and management of sustainable green spaces: Projects can support important specific species such as types of mammal, birds, plants, fish, reptiles, insects and amphibians and / or improve and support habitats such as ponds, woodlands, grasslands and hedgerows. To raise awareness and understanding of the above outcomes as well as providing the necessary training and skills to manage and support projects: These projects should enable residents and communities to utilize their training to support permanent changes in individual behaviors within their community. Funding Information The maximum amount that can be awarded to a project is £3,000 Organizations can only receive one award in any financial year from this grant scheme. Organizations can only apply for 75% of the total project cost up to the maximum grant awarded of £3,000. At least 25% of the total project cost must be match funded independently by the organization, including from other sources (note: grants from other Leicestershire County Council grant schemes cannot be used as match funding towards an application for a grant award from the SHIRE Environment Grant) General Criteria Grants will be available for any constituted ‘not for profit’ village/community groups, community enterprises, registered charities, town/parish councils. Community managed libraries, schools and colleges and places of worship will also be considered. Please note that projects submitted by schools, colleges and places of worship must be open for use by the wider community. The grant will only be available for projects where the main beneficiaries are residents of Leicestershire, excluding Leicester City and Rutland. Applications from a partnership of organizations are welcomed. In such cases, one of the organizations would need to act as ‘lead applicant’ to which any grant monies would be paid As a general rule existing projects will not be considered. However, consideration will be given to existing projects where it can be demonstrated that the application is for the further development, expansion or enhancement of the project. All relevant permissions and consents necessary to enable the project to go ahead must have been obtained from the relevant authorities before a grant can be offered. This list is not exhaustive, but examples of these are: Planning permission Location plans (scale 1:2500 for biodiversity projects and 1:500 for building energy projects) Buildings regulations approval Conservation area consent Listed building consent Appropriate ecclesiastical permission Compliance with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 or species legislation (applicants should seek advice before designing and implementing their project. For example, from architects, landscape advisors, etc.) Consent of landlord where the applicant is a tenant or leases the building / land Waste carrier’s license Relevant health and safety and insurance requirements including risk assessments where relevant Informing your local Parish, Town or District Council about the project prior to submission and ask for a written confirmation of support. Other consents - flood risk consents, consents to move species, etc. Photo permission forms 3.7 Applicants must seek evidence of support, such as a letter or email, from their local Leicestershire County Councilor (not required for small grants applications). For more information, visit Leicestershire County Council.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 26 Feb 2021

Donor Name

Leicestershire County Council

Grant Size

1000 to $ 10000



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