Submit Applications for Quinnipiac River Fund - U.S.

The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven is seeking applications for its Quinnipiac River Fund to improve the environmental quality of the Quinnipiac River and New Haven Harbor and their watersheds.

Contamination of the Quinnipiac River was once so great that it prompted the first pollution control measure in Connecticut and the eventual creation of the first sewage treatment plant in the State. It was also the subject of a lawsuit against the Upjohn Company concerning wastewater discharges from Upjohn's plant in North Haven.

The lawsuit resulted in a settlement in 1990 that created the Quinnipiac River Fund at The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, making the River the first in the state of Connecticut to have an endowment at a community foundation that generates income to protect it and its surrounding environment.

The committee considers projects for grant funding that work toward this goal. Examples include:

  • Studying the pollution of the waterbodies.
  • Studying the ecology of the waterbodies.
  • Researching methods of reducing pollution, or otherwise improving the environmental health of the waterbodies.
  • Addressing means of reducing both non-point and point sources of pollution to the waterbodies.
  • Researching the permitting process, researching particular permits, and making recommendations as to findings.
  • Providing public education about the waterbodies.
  • Purchasing land in the watersheds for conservation, pollution reduction, and/or improving public access.
  • Environmental advocacy (note: funding cannot be used for litigation).
  • Habitat restoration.

Eligibility Criteria

  • All applicants must be defined as tax-exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) or any applicable statute of the Internal Revenue code. While grants are occasionally made to governmental agencies, local nonprofits receive priority. Requests will be considered from groups that do not have tax-exemption status, provided that they have a fiscal agent with the appropriate tax status. In projects involving a partnership of agencies, a single agency with the appropriate tax status and financial management capacity must assume the role of lead organization.
  • Individuals are not eligible for grants.

For more information, visit Quinnipiac River Fund.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 22 Jan 2021

Donor Name

The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven

Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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