Call for Proposals: Lantau Conservation Fund (LCF) Conservation and Related Projects (Hong Kong)

The Government announced in the 2018 Policy Address that the Lantau Conservation Fund (LCF) would be set up to promote and support conservation of Lantau, with $500 million dedicated to providing financial support to eligible non-governmental organizations, charities, post-secondary education institutions, etc., to collaborate with local communities and landowners and carry out three streams of conservation and related projects, namely conservation management agreement, research, and education and engagement.


  • Conservation Management Agreement: conservation projects (nature conservation, culture conservation and/or village revitalization) involving management and conservation of privately-owned land and/ or buildings of conservation value, by engaging land/ building owners to contribute, enhance and revitalize the ecological/ nature/ cultural/ historical significance of the site;
  • Research: conservation-related scientific research or culture and local history research; and
  • Education and Engagement: initiatives or activities for community involvement, public education and promotion in relation to conservation and related purposes.

The proposed projects should also fulfil the following basic requirements:

  • The projects must contribute to the conservation of Lantau, or raise conservation awareness of the local community, or engage the community in conserving Lantau;
  • The benefits of the projects must accrue to the community as a whole, and not just to individuals, a single private organisation, or a consortium of private companies; and
  • The projects must be non-profit-making in nature.

Priority Themes

Priority consideration will be given in the assessment to support the following projects, when everything of projects considered being equal.

  • Projects in Tai O, Pui O or Shui Hau; and
  • Projects that match with the planning intention of the Lantau Conservation and Recreation Masterplan.

Funding Information

  • Projects are expected to be of sufficient scale in order to bring noticeable contribution. The lower threshold limit for application is HK$250,000.
  • Notwithstanding the above, each proposed Conservation and Related Project will generally be subject to the funding and duration limits in the following project stream:
    • HK$13 million for Conservation Management Agreement Project (Duration limit is 3 years)
    • HK$2.5 million for Research Project (Duration limit is 3 years)
    • HK$2 million for Education and Engagement Project (Duration limit is 2 years)

Eligibility Criteria

  • Local tax-exempt charities; or
  • Local registered and non-profit making companies; or
  • Local post-secondary education institutions

For more information, visit HKUST.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 09 Feb 2021

Donor Name

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



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