Town of Altona inviting Applications for Community Grants 2021 - Canada

The Town of Altona is inviting applications for its Community Grants to support the enhancement of a positive quality of life for all its residents. One means of achieving this goal is through the provision of grants to organizations that contribute to the general interest and advantage of the community.

The Town also recognizes that supporting volunteer community-based organizations is often fundamental to maintaining this quality of life. This policy has been formulated to foster consistency with the awarding of grants to groups whose benefits and services are enjoyed by the residents of the Town.

Application Requirements

  • Each year, the Town will entertain community grants requests from qualifying organizations under the following general parameters:
    • The organization must be non-profit or registered society;
    • The organization must be
      • community based;
      • regionally-based and provide a service which is unavailable within the community, but that residents use in another community;
    • The organization will provide an evaluation of the use of the grant at the end of the calendar year or the end of the Project or completion of the Capital Expenditure whichever occurs later.
    • The organization must be in good financial standing with the Town.
  • An organization which wishes to be considered for a community grant will have to submit an application.
  • All applications for grants shall be in writing to the Chief Administrative Officer specifying an amount requested and evidence that the organization is a recognized community group or registered entity. The request for funding should provide the necessary information to enable a full evaluation of the request based on the eligibility criteria.
  • Requests received as part of general mass mailing, emailing campaign or telemarketing campaign will not be considered.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants meeting the above noted application requirements will be have their application tested against the following criteria. These criteria will serve as a guide for the review of applications by the Finance and Administration Committee when determining to which organizations it will provide a grant.
  • The programs or services provided by the organization:
    • address a community need;
    • contribute to the positive image of the municipality;
    • are broad-based, and all residents will derive a benefit; and/or
    • support services delivered by the municipality.
  • In the event an organization makes an application for funding that does not meet the above guidelines, Council may consider the application following a presentation from the organization in which the merits and benefits of the requested funding are outlined for the information of all of Council.
  • The Town of Altona reserves the right to limit any one funding allocation to 20% of the total amount included in the budget for General Government Services - Grants in any given year.
  • Further, the Town reserves the right to limit the number of years that any one organization can receive funding under the General Government Services - Grants program. Approval of the grant by Council in one year does not mean that future applications by the same organization will be approved.

For more information, visit Community Grants 2021.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 15 Mar 2021

Donor Name

Town of Altona

Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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