The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on behalf of UN Women Liberia has announced a call for proposals for the Civil Society Organizations.
The main results that the joint project aims at achieving are the following:
- Outcome 1: Targeted Line Ministries Government Agencies and local governments are implementing the NAP WPS in a more effective manner by generating financial resources through innovative financing and GRB and by creating monitoring and accountability mechanisms and capacities.
- Output 1.1 Targeted Government actors at national and local level are aware and have the capacity to implement the NAP WPS
- Output 1.2 Government actors and Women Organizations have strengthened capacity on innovative financing and GRB, to ensure increased allocation of financial resources for the implementation of the NAP WPS.
This joint project builds on lessons learned from previous UN Women's support to the Government on GRB3s and It will further leverage on UN Women's national and global expertise on GRB. The GRB component will facilitate the enhancement of transparency and accountability of the Government's budget, including the resources generated through innovative financing sub-projects. Both innovative financing and GRB component will be aligned with the on-going Public Finance Management (PFM) reform. GRB brings much-needed analytical tools to the PFM reform, thus contributing to:
- Better data collection: the requirement for sex-disaggregated data and gender analysis of budget programmes can significantly contribute to the ongoing collection of data about budget programmes and their results.
- Improved indicators for budget programmes: GRB work usually contributes to better performance indicators and understanding of programme results, and by introducing gender indicators enables the monitoring of budget programmes' impact on men and women and different social groups.
- Improved efficiency, by ensuring expenditure benefits those who need it most
- Improved monitoring of results/achievements
- Improved budgetary decision-making processes, by engaging a wider range of society's interests and improving their capacity for budgeting and policymaking.
Funding Information
The budget range for this proposal should be USD200,000 Min. - USD450,000 Max.
It is estimated that the project will be implemented in 7 months beginning on 22nd of February, 2021 and ending on 22nd of September 2021.
General Overview of services required/results
Under the overall guidance and management of the UN Women Liberia Country Office, Peace and Security Programme Specialist and supervision from the Project coordinator on Women Peace and Security in collaboration with OHCHR, the Implementing Partner/s is expected to achieve the following outputs and targets by the end of the project:
- Output 1.2. Women Organizations in Grand Bassa and Nimba have strengthened capacities to implement, monitor, report and promote evidence-based advocacy to ensure implementation of the NAP WPS.
- Output 2.1. Women Organizations have strengthened capacities to implement, monitor, report and promote evidence-based advocacy to ensure implementation of the NAP WPS.
- Technical/functional competencies required. A brief description of the organization, including its registration details and relevant experience working on issues pertaining to gender sensitivity and mainstreaming, Land rights, Local governance and decentralisation, awareness campaigns ,trainings for rural communities (all demographics), understanding of concessions, sustainable livelihoods, Business and economic development, research, monitoring, Land management and with varying degrees of education, empowerment, and community engagement and participation, particularly in conflict prone rural areas. This should also include:
- Proposed staffing (number and expertise) for the services to be delivered.
- Organizational experience and proven track record/credibility on the provision of services and areas of expertise relevant to the services required
- Other competencies, which while not required, can be an asset for the performance of services Relevant experience in partnerships with UN Women, other UN agencies, governments, NGOs, and other development actors
For more information, visit UNDP.