City of Beverly Hills Community Assistance Grant Funding (CAGF) Program

Maintaining a social service safety net is a public service policy stated in the City's General Plan. To this end, the City of Beverly Hills allocates General Fund dollars to Community Assistance Grant Funding (CAGF) which is administered by the Human Services Division.

Agencies funded through CAGF provide social services the City does not provide directly to the most vulnerable members of the community including homeless individuals, active and frail elderly, disabled and low-means residents.

By funding a safety net, the City establishes a continuum of care that improves coordination across providers, increases access and availability of services to community members and supports the quality of life in Beverly Hills.   

Application Elements

Submission of the following documents is required:

  1. Completed CAGF application,
  2. Documentation of 501c.3 status or proof of 501c.3 status through partnership,
  3. Copy of most recent Form 990 - Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax,
  4. Copies of any current Charitable Solicitations Permits that have been obtained from the City of Beverly Hills.

Evaluation Criteria

Applicants will be considered based on the following criteria:

  1. Organization provides a unique service that addresses an unmet need of the community and does not duplicate other providers or programs.
  2. Organization does not rely solely on community assistance funding to remain viable and the services would cost more to the City if the City provided them directly.
  3. Organization provides services that support the City's commitment to the provision of a social service safety net that addresses the health and welfare of community members.
  4. Organization provides regional services that enable the City to meet its regional obligation to help ameliorate social issues.

This year the City will once again be accepting applications for cultural grants.  These applications must still meet the above criteria 1 and 2, but they also must be existing Beverly Hills organizations, that have demonstrated a history of exemplary cultural opportunities that respond to community needs.

For more information, visit City of Beverly Hills.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 01 Feb 2021

Donor Name

City of Beverly Hills

Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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