Call for Proposals for Emergency Initiative in support of Displaced Persons, Refugees, Seasonal Migr

The Addis Ababa branch of the Italian Cooperation Agency allo Sviluppo (hereinafter “Sede AICS”) has announced a call for proposals for the Emergency initiative in support of displaced persons, refugees, seasonal migrants and host communities to strengthen resilience in the Somali region of Ethiopia, and in the areas of Ethiopia bordering Kenya and Somali.

This program intends to concentrate its activities in the following sectors considered priority:

  • Health
  • WaSH
  • Agriculture and food security

These will be integrated with complementary activities in the following sectors:

  • Protection
  • Education
  • Reduction of the risk of disasters

The expected results - which will have as their object the categories of beneficiaries indicated above - they will therefore cover areas of intervention considered priority by both local authorities and by Italian Cooperation, and in particular:

  • Improved access to treatment and vaccines, especially for the most vulnerable, ie minors, pregnant women, the disabled; improved treatment of malnutrition;
  • Guaranteed better access to WaSH infrastructure and services;
  • Improved resilience through support for agriculture, livestock and security food;
  • Promoted protection, social inclusion and conflict prevention;
  • Promoted access to education, skills development and the spread of hygiene practices sanitary;
  • Promotion of soil conservation and natural resource management activities.


The direct beneficiaries will therefore be the most affected sections of the populations in the selected areas inside and outside the camps, including informal ones, including displaced populations, refugees and the host communities (ensuring a proportion that respects the percentage of 70% -30%). Particular consideration will be given to the cross-border movement of persons (the so-called spillovers seasonal, punctual or chronic, trans-regional and cross-border), and the consequences that follow arise.

The initiatives implemented will therefore promote an integrated approach in favor of both displaced persons that of seasonal migrants, refugees and residents, with particular attention to categories vulnerable such as minors, single mothers, people with disabilities and victims of violence kind. Actions that align with the Durable Solutions Initiative (DSI) will be preferred, favoring it human development of the beneficiaries, also thanks to the acquisition of skills that can be spent now and in near future

Funding Information

  • Maximum duration of project activities: 21 (twenty-one) months and not less than 15 (fifteen) months;
  • Funding requested from AICS not exceeding:
    • EUR 500,000.00 (five hundred thousand / 00) for the project proposals presented by a single CSO;
    • EUR 1,100,000.00 (one million one hundred / 00) for the project proposals presented by temporary associations of purpose (ATS) of OSC formed by two or more subjects between agent and principal (s) who have an operational role in the implementation of the project activities and who can therefore demonstrate full ability to operate in loco according to local regulations;

Geographical Areas

The intervention, placing itself in continuity with previous programs and focusing on internally displaced persons and on regional and cross-border cross-border dynamics, proposes to focus in the Somali region of Ethiopia, particularly in the regional and national border areas, and in the regions of Ethiopia bordering Kenya and Somalia. The area is a crossroads of migratory phenomena due to the recurring environmental catastrophes, numerous conflicts and conflicts interregional and cross-border.

Eligibility Criteria

Non-profit entities can submit project proposals for this Call for Proposals that, at the date of publication of this document, are in possession of all the following requirements:

  • Registration in the list pursuant to art. 26, paragraph 3, of Law 125/2014 and subsequent amendments and ii., or, for non-profit entities without an operational headquarters in Italy (local non-profit entities and / or international), partnership agreement with one of the subjects registered on the aforementioned list. The agreement can be of various kinds (affiliation, association, partnership) but it must however be, under penalty of exclusion, of a general nature, pre-existing to this Call for Proposals (and therefore not limited to a specific action or established only for the purposes of participation in this Call for Proposals ) and must remain valid even after the conclusion of the activities related to this Call for Proposals;
  • Specific and proven experience in humanitarian aid interventions in Ethiopia;
  • Ability to operate on site according to local regulations;
  • For non-profit entities without an operational headquarters in Italy (local non-profit entities and / or international), be established and in compliance with the legislation in force in the country of membership;
  • They are not indebted to the MAECI DGCS and / or AICS or other donors, for certain debts, liquid and payable, including debt situations deriving from revocation measures grants for projects promoted and / or entrusted;
  • They have not behaved in a manner characterized by gross negligence or bad faith in the realization of projects DGCS / MAECI, AICS, of other donors or in the exercise of theirs activities.

For more information, visit AICS.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 21 Feb 2021

Donor Name

Italian Cooperation Agency allo Sviluppo

Grant Size

1,000,000 to $



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