UNDP/Jamaica: Engagement of CSO/NGO for Amplifying Youth Project

UNDP is seeking to partner with an establish Non-Governmental Organisation to provide on-granting and technical assistance towards the achievement of Output 2 "Youth empowered to implement innovative & sustainable solutions for Citizen Safety & Security".

The Amplifying Youth Voice & Action to address Citizen Security & Safety Project aims to strengthen the mechanisms which ensure youth participation in decision and policymaking through the development of an incubator for youth-led organizations. This incubator’s success is hinged on partnerships and targeted capacity strengthening delivered through a coalition of diverse stakeholders from the Government, International Development community, Civil Society, Academia and the Private Sector. The incubator will be a capacity-building initiative to boost the competency of the participants in implementing youth-led citizen safety & security interventions. The youth-led organizations will also be given grants to implement community level micro-projects.

Specifically, the NGO will manage the disburse funds on behalf of UNDP to the financing of the youth-led microprojects and provide technical support for the implementation of each micro-project and mentorship services to the youth-led organizations.

The selected NGO will be expected to execute the following tasks:

  • Lead and manage the on-granting component of the AYVA project:
    • Ensure the disbursement and management of ten grants valued at US$10,000 each to the selected youth-led organisations to facilitate implementation of the micro-projects;
    • Provide technical and quality assurance oversight for the ten youth-led micro-projects;
    • Support the youth-led organisations, as necessary, in establishing a presence and relationship in the selected community to reduce potential implementation barriers;
    • Provide mentorship and allocate the relevant needed skilled personnel to support the youth-led micro projects.
  • Support the Technical Working group by participating in any consultations necessary to enable the successful implementation of the project including the selection of the ten youth-led organisations;
  • As part of the TWG and Incubator coalition, provide technical inputs to the development and implementation of the incubator curriculum;
  • Produce monitoring reports as indicated in the UNDP Responsible Party Agreement.
  • Establish partnerships with stakeholders in respective communities within which the micro-projects are being implemented.

Funding Information

UNDP is allocating an all-inclusive budget of US$ 130,000 for this assignment. USD$100,000 for the micro projects and US$30,000 to cover the cost of the NGO to execute the tasks outlined in the scope works.


Local NGO(s) wishing to be considered for this assignment described herein should have the following qualifications: 

  • Minimum 5 years of relevant experience in implementing and monitoring similar initiatives
  • Proven experience in supporting local communities through engagement and capacity building
  • Proven experience in financial management
  • Previous cooperation with international Agencies and/ or Government partnerships

For more information, visit UNDP.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 18 Jan 2021

Donor Name

United Nations Development Programme

Grant Size

100,000 to $ 500,000



Referene URL
Focus Areas of Interest

Civil Society (CSO)

Focus Country(ies)

All Countries

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