British Council inviting Applications for COP26 Trilateral Research Initiative

The British Council is seeking applications for its COP26 Trilateral Research Initiative that has been designed to establish, develop and support trilateral collaborative partnerships between institutions in the UK, Japan and one or more ASEAN countries or territories.

The research project must have societal and or economic development outcomes which will benefit and contribute to solving the environmental issues faced in an ODA country or territory, and be aligned to Sustainable Development Goal 13 and other related SDGs.


Establish new research networks and collaborations in the field of climate research between the UK, Japan and one or more ASEAN countries or territories which are eligible for Overseas Development Assistance (ODA);

  • Develop and implement research projects which contribute to solving the existing climate change related problems of the ASEAN ODA-eligible partner country or territory;
  • Stimulate innovative research ideas and encourage sustainable collaborations between the research partners beyond the initial funding;
  • Foster an interdisciplinary approach to climate research by bringing together early career researchers from different fields to collaborate on finding solutions to climate challenges facing one or more ASEAN ODA-eligible country or territory.

Funding Information

  • Fund for two one-off grants of up to £50,000 each to support research projects.

Eligibility Criteria

  • To be eligible for funding applicant’s proposal must clearly demonstrate:
    • That the primary benefits will be delivered in or flow to the partner ODA-eligible ASEAN country or countries. ODA eligible countries are defined as per the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) List of ODA Recipients, which includes fragile, developing and emerging economies. Developed economies are not eligible for ODA funding.
    • That the main objective is to promote the economic development and welfare of the recipient country/countries.
    • Compliance with the International Development (Gender Equality) Act 2014 – the proposal should contribute to reducing poverty and to reducing inequality between persons of different genders.
    • Outline how applicant has taken meaningful yet proportionate consideration as to how the proposal will contribute to reducing gender inequalities.
    • Articulate a plausible route to positive impact within a short to medium term timeframe (five years).
  • One-off events are not eligible. For example, a one-off seminar or thought leadership event would not be eligible unless it is part of a series of activities with an overarching outcome.
  • Application must be made using the COP26 Trilateral Research Initiative application form template. Application must include a completed budget template indicating how the grant will be spent.
  • The proposal must include one or more partners from the UK, Japan and at least one ODA-eligible country which is also a member of ASEAN.
  • The proposal must name one lead institution from either the UK or Japan which will receive the grant on behalf of the project team. The lead institution will be responsible for disbursement of the grant to the proposal partners.
  • The proposal must name one Principal Applicant from the UK, one Principal Applicant from Japan and one Principal Applicant from an ODA-eligible country/territory in ASEAN.
  • Principal Applicants must be permanent employees of a not-for-profit higher education institution in the UK, Japan and in the ODA-eligible partner country.
  • Applicants may be asked to adjust their budget if their request does not fit within funding guidelines. The grant payment will be made on signature of the grant agreement.
  • Successful applicants will be expected to complete and submit a project evaluation report upon completion of the project.

For more information, visit British Council.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 29 Jan 2021

Donor Name

British Council

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



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