The Active Citizens Fund has announced a Call for Applications with an aim to develop, i.e., create, strengthen and enhance the sustainability of the networks among civil society organizations (CSOs).
In the context of this call, Civil Society Networks are defined as acts of organizations that come together (formal or informal) between organizations with legal entity and informal groups (organizations without legal entity) that cooperate and act voluntarily and focus on addressing common social issues, expressing their identities as community or social groups, etc.
- Administration and co-ordination activities
- Exchanging knowledge, best practices and information between participating NGOs (CSOs)
- Provision of joint support services to participating NGOs (CSOs), such as legal and accounting services
- Networking activities for participating NGOs (CSOs)
- Training and capacity building activities for participating NGOs (CSOs)
- Development of joint activities between the participating NGOs (CSOs)
- Acquisition of legal entity.
Funding Information
Available funding 500.000€
Eligibility Criteria
- Eligible applicants are NGOs (CSOs) that are established in Greece and fall within the following definition:
- “A non-profit voluntary organization established as a legal entity, having a noncommercial purpose, independent of local, regional and central government, public entities, political parties and commercial organizations. Religious institutions and political parties are not considered NGOs”. Eligible applicants shall abide by the principles of democratic values and human rights.
- More specifically, eligible candidates must meet the following general conditions:
- Are non-profit organizations that have not been created nor operate to generate personal profit. Although they may have paid staff and may engage in revenue-generating activities, they do not distribute profits to their members nor to their board. Where revenue-generating activities are undertaken, these should not represent the purpose of the NGO but should be solely a means to support its mission and values;
- Have members who do not have any direct commercial interest in the outcome of the work of the organizations or of its commercial activities and should not pursue the commercial or professional interests of their members. This requirement therefore excludes trade and professional associations, where the aims and purposes of the association are to further the specific interests of its members only;
- Are voluntary in nature, formed voluntarily by groups or individuals and usually involving an element of voluntary participation in the organization;
- Act in the public arena and for the public good on concerns and issues related to the well-being of people, groups or society as a whole;
- Have some degree of formal or institutional existence, unlike informal or ad hoc groups, involving formal statutes or other governing document(s) defining their mission, objectives and scope;
- Have transparent structures and an elected chair / board, and are accountable to their members and donors;
- Are independent of local, regional and national government and other public authorities,
- Are independent of political parties and commercial organizations.
For more information, visit Active Citizens Fund.