The United Way of Greater Toledo (UWGT) is seeking program applications for a three-year grant funding cycle beginning July 2021 through June 2024.
UWGT is committed to collaborating with community leaders, partners, and experts to ensure this work is representative of the overall vision for the community.
For more than 100 years, United Way has fundraised for and invested in the Greater Toledo community. With more than 20,000 donors, 10,000 local volunteers, and over $8 million dollars raised annually, they continue to bring incredible people together to make positive community change.
Priority Areas
UWGT will be investing in programs and strategies that create positive change in the areas listed below. Please note that applicants will be required to select which area their program / collaborative will be impacting. Applicants may select more than one area to request funding:
- Education- Children are prepared to enter and graduate school with a plan for career, life, and work
- Financial Stability- Individuals and families are financially stable
- Health- Members of the community are healthy
- Housing- Individuals and families have access to safe, stable, and affordable housing
Funding Requirements
- United Way is seeking program applications for a three-year grant funding cycle beginning July 2021 through June 2024. The following entities may apply for funding:
- A single program led by ONE organization
- A single program led by multiple organizations (a collaboration)
- Multiple programs led by ONE organization (your organization submits funding applications for multiple programs)
- Multiple programs led by multiple organizations (a collaboration submits funding applications for multiple programs)
- A single program cannot submit a standalone application and submit as part of a collaborative application
- UWGT does not invest in overall agency operations; they fund costs associated with operating programs (staff, supplies, etc.). This fund is for pre-existing programs that have been in operation for over 12 months.
- Partners receiving an investment from UWGT must meet certain requirements, and sign a Funding Agreement when awarded. Partners receiving UWGT investments are required to submit program and financial reports twice a year through an online database. Investments are expected to be made for three years, dependent upon:
- The nature of the program/collaboration
- The amount of funds available in the UWGT Community Fund
- UWGT review of individual program/collaboration reporting
Eligibility Criteria
Programs must meet the following requirements to be considered:
- Must provide health and human services in Lucas County in the State of Ohio.
- Must be eligible to receive tax-deductible donations within the meaning of IRS Code Section 170 (c) (1) or (2), which includes 501(c)(3) organizations.
- Must submit an audit or a review of financial statements and IRS Form 990 or 990-EZĀ (only the lead agency is required to submit these documents in a collaboration).
For more information, visit United Way Grant.