Call for Proposals: Risk Management Measures to Reduce Contaminated Temporary Municipal Landfills (R

The Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests (MoEWF), as Program Operator for the EEA Grants 2014-2021, is inviting proposals for Risk management measures to reduce contaminated temporary municipal landfills" program to support the Environment and Ecosystems component of the Program, designed to address the needs and issues identified during stakeholder consultations.

Through the call for „Risk management measures to reduce contaminated temporary municipal landfills”, the RO-Environment program aims to increase local capacity to manage/reduce/remove risks generated by hazardous substances and municipal waste. The expected results of the call for projects „Risk management measures to reduce contaminated temporary municipal landfills” refer to:

  • closure of minimum 2 temporary municipal landfills;

The implementation of municipal landfill closure measures will improve the capacity to manage and address the risks from hazardous substances, and also will contribute to meeting key objectives of the 7th environmental action plan, such as: to protect, conserve and enhance the Union’s natural capital, to turn the Union into a resource efficient, green, and competitive low-carbon economy, to safeguard the Union’s citizens from environment related pressures and risk to health and well-being.

Key Challenges

The key challenges identified with temporary municipal landfills are:

  • Formation of dust and odor;
  • Wind-dispersed light weight waste (hârtie, plastic);
  • Infiltration of rainfall water in the landfill pit;
  • Risk of groundwater pollution raised by leachate;
  • Atmospheric emissions;
  • Risk of fire;
  • Degradation of the surface vegetation layer due to landfill gas;
  • Deformation of landfill pit walls, landfills’ slope ruptures caused by lack of proper management, which can impact the surrounding environment (soil, groundwater, smell);
  • Landfills setup near urban areas has a negative impact on urban landscape, with ecological, social and economic consequences.

Funding Information

The total amount allocated to this program is 5.000.000 Euro, composed of:

  • 4.250.000 Euro (85%) – contribution (grant) of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021;
  • 750.000 Euro (15%) – the national contribution (co-financing).

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligibility of the Project Promoter (Project Applicant):
    • An eligible applicant, as Project Promoter, within the present is local or regional (municipal/county) authorities, which cumulatively fulfills the following criteria:
    • has the status of legal entity registered in Romania;
    • falls into one of the following categories:
    • public institution whose responsibilities include, inter alia, and environmental protection and / or nature protection (County Councils, City Halls);
    • is directly responsible for the initiation, preparation, implementation and sustainability of the project, together with the project partners (if applicable);
    • has sufficient and stable financial resources, as well as the professional competences and qualifications necessary to implement the project and ensure its sustainability;
    • has the resources necessary to ensure its own co-financing / contribution from the eligible costs of the project, if any;
    • has the resources necessary to finance all ineligible costs (including related costs) related to the project, as well as to cover any financial corrections resulting from the implementation of the project, if any;
    • has not benefited and does not benefit from financial support from public funds / non-reimbursable external funds for the implementation of the project submitted within the present call for proposals (identity of objectives, results, activities, etc.) or of some activities related to the project;
    • assumes the obligation to immediately inform the Programme Operator in case the project / activities in the project is / are approved for funding from other public funds / external non-reimbursable funds after its submission in the present.
  • Eligibility of Project Partners:
    • The project can be implemented in partnership with one or more entities from Romania and / or the Donor States. Partners must have the capacity to carry out relevant activities within the project. The applicant must present, in the application for funding, the added value brought by the involvement of each party in the implementation of the project.
    • Eligible Project Partners are public or private, commercial or non-commercial entities, including non-governmental organizations, who have the status of legal persons, either in the Donor States, either in Romania, who are actively involved in the project implementation and contribute effectively to it.
    • The project partner must cumulatively meet the following criteria:
      • has the status of legal person registered in the state of origin according to the applicable law;
      • falls into one of the following categories:
        • Project partners from Romania:
        • Project partners from the Donor State

For more information, visit Call for Proposals.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 15 Jan 2021

Donor Name

Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests

Grant Size

1,000,000 to $



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