NIFA requests applications for the Community Food Projects Competitive Grants Program (CFPCGP) for fiscal year (FY) 2021 to fight for food insecurity through developing community food projects that help promote the self-sufficiency of low-income communities.
The purpose of the CFP is to support the development of projects with a one-time infusion of federal dollars to make such projects self-sustaining. CFPs are designed to create community-based food projects with objectives, activities and outcomes that are in alignment with Community Food Projects Competitive Grants Program (CFPCGP) primary goals.
The primary goals of the CFPCGP, Assistance Listing 10.225 are as follows (7 U.S.C. § 2034(B)):
- Designed to:
- Meet the food needs of low-income individuals through food distribution, community outreach to assist in participation in Federally assisted nutrition programs, or improving access to food as part of a comprehensive service;
- Increase the self-reliance of communities in providing for the food needs of the communities; and
- Promote comprehensive responses to local food access, farm, and nutrition issues; or
- Meet specific state, local or neighborhood food and agricultural needs including needs relating to:
- Equipment necessary for the efficient operation of a project;
- Planning for long-term solutions; or
- The creation of innovative marketing activities that mutually benefit agricultural producers and low-income consumers.
Funding Information
- The anticipated amount available for Community Food Projects Competitive Grant Program (CFPCGP) in FY2021 is approximately $4,800,000.
- Award Ceiling: $ 4,00,000
Types of Grants
CFPCGP accepts standard grant applications. The following describes the types of projects that are eligible for funding:
- Community Food Projects. Applicants should request a budget commensurate with the proposed project. No single CFP award will exceed $125,000 in any single year or $400,000 over four years. Applicants may request one, two, three, or four years of funding, but in all cases, the grant term may not exceed 4 years for any proposal. A no-cost extension may be requested. A CFP project may be supported by only one grant under this program. All CFP awards will be made based on the merit of the proposed project with budgets considered only after the merits of the project have been determined. USDA reserves the right to negotiate final budgets with successful applicants.
- Planning Projects. Applicants should request a budget commensurate with the proposed project. All PP awards will be made based on the merit of the proposed project with budgets considered only after the merits of the project have been determined. USDA reserves the right to negotiate final budgets with successful applicants.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants for CFP and PP awards are encouraged to seek and create partnerships with public or private, nonprofit or for-profit entities, including links with academic institutions (including minority-serving colleges and universities), and/or other appropriate professionals, community-based organizations, and local government entities.
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