The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) has announced a request for proposals for the Wallacea Partnership Program Phase 2 Small Grants.
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF /Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund) is a joint initiative of l'Agence Française de Développement, Conservation International, European Union, Global Environment Facility, Japanese Government and Bank World.
The Wallacea-2 Partnership Program is a continuation of the Phase 1 partnership project in the 2015-2019 period supported by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and implemented by Burung Indonesia as Regional Implmentation Team (RIT). This project aims to strengthen the role of community organizations civil society in the protection and preservation of marine biodiversity, management coastal ecosystems, and institutional development of deep coastal communities sustainable small-scale fisheries schemes applying the principles ecosystem approach in fisheries management (EAFM).
Eligible Activities
- Develop and strengthen fisheries resource management community or community-based sustainable small scale. Applications can be one or a combination of the following sub-topics:
- Optimizing the ability of management of Fish Resources / SDI based communities in small-scale fisheries schemes through capacity building to coastal communities which includes training on; Coastal Community Institutions, fishery product standards for the market global, ecolabel certification, and sustainable fisheries practices
- Encourage the implementation of regulations for the use of SDI at the village level or existing customs (customary law, perdes, etc.), both inside protected areas or not
- Strengthening the role of existing local institutions including fishermen groups, cooperatives, and related organizations in the management of SDI, as well as assistance in the formation of similar community-based organizations
- Support the eradication of IUU fishing in the context of small-scale fisheries from the aspects of legality and transparency through: legalizing fishing fleets artisanal under 10 GT and the application of the traceability system in each fishery supply chain level
- Build partnerships with the private sector (Fish Processing Unit, Suppliers, associations, etc.) in an effort to implement these practices sustainable fisheries management to increase the value of its products
- Assessment of characteristics and supply chains in small-scale fisheries schemes
- Other SDI Habitat Management
- Strengthening community-based conservation actions in reducing threats to endemic, threatened, endangered, and marine species protected that are related to ecologically (Ecologically Related Species / ERS) with coastal fisheries. Applications can be either or a combination of the following sub-topics:
- Increase the capacity of fishermen regarding endemic, protected and marine animals threatened with extinction through awareness-raising activities and trainings related include; ERS Handling Techniques on board and marine mammals stranded, environmentally friendly fishing techniques, and so
- Strengthening the role of existing organizations or community groups in the framework of monitoring the exploitation of protected species (illegal trade, hunting, and so on)
- Develop a guide to best practices ( best practices) in utilization of SDI to reduce threats to ERS animals
- Initiate community-based GTS species habitat rehabilitation
- Develop a participatory GTS-based species monitoring system communities in areas that are protected or not
- Strengthen the implementation of NAP of priority species at site level
- Campaign for protected marine species to increase awareness and encouraging behavior change at the site level
- GTS baseline survey in each corridor
- Strengthening community-based marine protected area management. Applications can be one or a combination of the following sub-topics:
- Increase the capacity and assistance of marine protected area management existing by local communities
- Continue and assist the zoning plan for marine protected areas existing, and identification for new reserved areas
- Strengthening of institutions or institutions at the local level in management and monitoring of marine protected areas
- Build partnerships between local communities and regional governments and encouraging increased budgets for conservation actions
- Lessons learned sharing workshop for stakeholders involved in the actions marine protection.
- Community-based DPL initiation that is integrated with the principles EAFM
- Strengthening coastal community resources in the utilization of products fishery and its value chain for additional income and income alternative livelihoods. Applications can be one or a combination of the following sub-topics:
- Development of alternative livelihoods (existing and new) as additional income from marine products through; reinforcement and empowerment of coastal women, formation of groups fishery product processing, fishery product processing training, technique packaging, marketing, and financial management
- Bridging coastal communities with consumers at the local and external levels regions in the context of expanding the market for processed fishery products
- Training and assistance for coastal communities in documenting results fish catch and daily transactions in order to support regional and national governments for production-marketing data needs local fisheries, as well as part of the EAFM (fisheries information recording)
Funding Information
Grant Size: Maximum amount US$50,000
Geographic Area: Togean Banggai, Pangkajene Islands, Solor-Alor, South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and the Buru Seascape
- The proposer is a civil society organization working in one of the Priority Marine Corridor Funding Area within the biodiversity center Wallacea.
- The proposing institution has a legality and financial management system accountable.
For more information, visit CEPF.