Apply Now for ISC Community Sustainability Grants Program 2020/21 - Australia

The Indigo Shire Council is seeking applications for its Community Sustainability Grant to provide financial assistance to eligible not-for-profit community groups and organisations to implement renewable energy, energy efficiency projects, waste and climate change related projects.

This grant stream supports the strategic objective in the Indigo Shire Council Plan 2017-21: We support the reduction of carbon emissions and climate change adaptation and mitigation actions, as well as core themes outlined within Council’s Environment Strategy and Climate Emergency Strategic Action Plan.


The intention of the funding is to support:

  • Projects which reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the community and work towards a zero emissions future through; improved sustainability, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and supporting emerging emissions reduction technology.
  • Capital projects that reduce the energy costs for community facilities and strengthen their long term financial sustainability and climate adaptation.
  • Building capacity of community groups working towards sustainability outcomes aligned to Indigo Shire’s policies, plans and strategies.

Events and engagement activities that increase awareness and education within the community and promote a transition towards a zero emissions future, including:

  • Raising community awareness of the relevance of climate change, the impacts it will have on our environment and way of life, and the opportunities it will present.
  • Encouraging participation in sustainability activities and events that enable a transition towards a zero emissions future.
  • Enabling community members to acquire or develop new skills in relation to increased sustainability and emissions reduction.

Funding Information

  • Grant Pool:
    • $20,000 (2020/2021 financial year)
  • Maximum Amount:
    • Up to $10,000 per applicant for energy efficiency or renewable energy projects – with co-contribution
    • Up to $5,000 per applicant for energy efficiency or renewable energy projects – co-contribution not mandatory
    • Up to $1,000 for applications for sustainability events or other engagement activities.
    • Note: Funding up to the maximum of $10,000 may be allocated in special circumstances where a higher cost project has significant merit, high alignment to the evaluation criteria and significant co-contribution of funding.

Eligibility Criteria

  • To participate in the grant program, the Applicant must be an Eligible Organisation. To be eligible, the organisation must:
    • be located within Indigo Shire
    • be (a registered) non-profit organisation or community group
    • be an incorporated group, or auspiced by another incorporated group.
  • Projects eligible for funding under this grant stream must contribute to climate change mitigation by either directly reducing, or transitioning community greenhouse gas emissions, (which may involve energy efficiency measures, installation of renewable energy or emissions reduction technology or alternative lower emissions technology), or undertaking events that educate and promote knowledge of mitigation and adaptation opportunities.
  • It is in your community group’s interests to research project options so that your application demonstrates demand, sound delivery and “best value” for the grant submission.
  • Examples of projects that may be submitted are:
    • Capital cost for solar panel installation
    • Capital cost of battery storage installation
    • Expansion of existing solar panels, if a valid business case exists based on the facility’s electricity consumption patterns
    • Water efficiency programs
    • Sustainable building design projects
    • Energy efficient lighting upgrades, for example LED’s
    • Installation of building management systems or other energy efficiency operational measures, e.g. user pays sports lighting control systems
    • Other energy efficiency or renewable energy installations that may arise from assessment of the facility by an energy efficiency expert, or a self-assessment using a range of free tools and checklists that promote emissions reduction.
    • Events or community engagement activities that improve capacity, awareness and action on climate change mitigation and/or adaptation. For example, educational workshops, training, field days, or the development of educational community material; brochures, booklets and resources.
    • Other projects that support community reduction of emissions or waste, e.g. electric vehicle charging hardware; waste recovery equipment.
  • Ineligible applications:
    • Have outstanding Council grants that have not been acquitted satisfactorily.
    • Have overdue outstanding payments to Council.
    • Are a commercial organisation, political party, discriminatory group or organisation.
    • Are a school, University or TAFE college.
    • Request funding or support retrospectively.
    • Support an individual's pursuit without community benefit.
    • Support private and/or commercial ventures.
    • For general operating expenses (e.g. electricity, lease/rent payments, telephone bills) that are part of the ongoing expenses of the applicants organisation.
    • For staff costs or salaries where staffs are involved in project delivery (i.e. this is considered inkind support).
    • Projects that require ongoing funding (unless the source of the funding is secured externally to council).
    • Projects that install additional energy consuming products/services that result in additional energy consumption at a facility, (unless the benefit can clearly demonstrate this offsets consumption or transition to more sustainable forms of fuel).
    • Involve fundraising activities, prize money or awards.
    • Received after the closing date.

For more information, visit Indigo Shire Council.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 07 Feb 2021

Donor Name

Indigo Shire Council

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



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