Social Inclusion Grant Program – United Kingdom

The Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is seeking applications for the Social Inclusion Grant Program to provide small grants to local community and voluntary organizations that are involved in activities that encourage people within your community, particularly those that are socially excluded, to participate in social and recreational activities.

Social inclusion is about involving everyone within a community and making sure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in society. People can feel excluded or isolated for a number of reasons e.g. older people, people on low incomes, people living in isolated rural areas, people with a disability.

Funding Information

  • Applicants can apply for grants of up to 85% of costs, towards project revenue costs.
  • Amount - £500

Who Can Apply?

Organizations must be from within the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area. To be eligible for grant-aid, you will have to show that your organization is a bona fide organization that is well run and that it:

  • Has a properly adopted “Governing Document” such as a constitution or memorandum and articles of association which clearly show that it is non-profit making and taking. Evidence that a constitution has been formally adopted must be supplied.
  • Sports Clubs and Youth Clubs can apply to the grant programme as long as the project you are applying for is a social inclusion project that is in addition to and separate from your regular activities.
  • Organizations that intend to apply for a Community Festivals Fund Grant can apply to the Social Inclusion Grant Programme as long as the project they are applying for is different to the community festival event.
  • Organizations that are successful in an application to the Community Development Support Grant from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council are not eligible to receive a Social Inclusion Grant.
  • Groups must demonstrate that they are well run and that they provide a voice for local concerns. The initiatives in which they are seeking funding for must be inclusive, open to the whole community and adhere to democratic principles.
  • Only groups which meet the criteria can apply to the Social Inclusion Grant Programme

If an organization is satisfied that it is an eligible formally constituted organization as Outlined, it MUST be in a position to meet the following criteria:

  • Be based in the Causeway Coast and Glens Council area or have their main activities based in the Causeway Coast and Glens Council area.
  • Be committed to Equal Opportunities in terms of organizational policies and the delivery of services to those being served or represented.
  • Have a constitution / governing document that have been adopted at a public meeting showing clearly defined purposes that are for the public benefit in line with the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008.
  • Be non-party political and open to the full range of local opinion.
  • Be able to demonstrate a fair and equitable ethos through established aims and objectives in accordance with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act (1998).
  • Be able without prejudice to the obligations of Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act (1998), to demonstrate regard to the desirability of promoting Good Relations between persons of different religious belief, political belief, political opinion or racial group.
  • Be accountable through an established constitution, open membership, committee elections, accounting procedures and Annual General Meetings. The Office Bearing positions of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer should be held as a minimum.
  • Have appropriate and adequate insurance cover for all activities and all actions proceeding such as costs, claims, demands and liabilities whatsoever, arising from all or any of the group activities. To also ensure that any individuals or organizations worked with are properly insured.
  • Ensure that all group activities abide by the law and that the necessary permissions are obtained for activities from the appropriate body/authority.
  • Ensure that Child Protection Policy / Vulnerable Adults Policy and Procedures are in place and adhered to as and where appropriate.
  • Have a bank/building society account and keep a proper record of group accounts.
  • Be able to produce an annual statement of independently audited or certified accounts, or be able to present a bank statement in the case of newly established groups.
  • Have arrangements in place for dispersing the group’s funds if they dissolve/ end.
  • Agree to Causeway Coast and Glens Council's promotion, monitoring, evaluation, and training procedures as required.

For more information, visit Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 29 Jan 2021

Donor Name

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council

Grant Size

N/A to $ 1000



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