The Ministry of Finance in cooperation with the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic has announced calls for proposals of projects focusing on Roma inclusion and empowerment (HROVA1A – Support for Roma platforms at local and regional level, HROVA1B – Capacity building of Roma advisors).
The aim of both Calls is to create the necessary measures to help activate and empower the Roma and provide effective support for the integration of the Roma minority. At the same time both Calls are focused on strengthening the functioning of regional and local integration.
The Calls will support projects that contribute, for example, to improving the coexistence of Roma with the majority society, strengthening and expanding the network of Roma advisors and promoting Roma integration, organizing seminars and workshops that may affect Roma empowerment, and many other activities specified in more detail in the text of the Calls.
HROVA1A – Support for Roma platforms at local and regional level
- One of the objectives of the Programme Human Rights is to support the inclusion and empowerment of Roma in the Czech society. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop appropriate measures that will strengthen the functioning of regional and local integration. Therefore, an important part of the Programme objectives is to promote dialogue between Roma representatives, organizations working predominantly with Roma, public administration and other entities involved in Roma integration. This shall be ensured through the so-called Roma platforms operating at regional and local level. The platforms composed of pro-Roma, Roma CSOs and Roma representatives shall actively participate in committees, working groups, etc. of municipalities and develop policy recommendations for local and regional authorities on integration policies and measures.
- Development of cooperation between Roma civil society and all relevant actors at regional and local level is also an important prerequisite for the effective implementation of the objectives and measures of the ´Roma Integration Strategy up to 2020´ and the forthcoming ´Roma Integration Strategy 2021-2030´.
HROVA1B – Capacity building of Roma advisors
- One of the objectives of the Programme Human Rights is to support the inclusion and empowerment of Roma in the Czech society. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop appropriate measures that will ensure effective support to municipalities for the integration of the Roma minority.
- Development of cooperation between Roma civil society and all relevant actors at regional and local level is also an important prerequisite for the effective implementation of the objectives and measures of the ´Roma Integration Strategy up to 2020´ and the forthcoming ´Roma Integration Strategy 2021-2030´. Although municipalities with extended scope of authority (hereinafter ORP) and regions are responsible for support of Roma integration and facilitating the exercise of Roma rights at regional and local level, especially in the ORPs, insufficient personnel capacity is reserved for this purpose.
Funding Information
- HROVA1A: The financial allocation of the Call decisive for the selection of the projects to be funded is 880 000 EUR (22 880 000 CZK).
- HROVA1B: The financial allocation of the Call decisive for the selection of the projects to be funded is 1 320 000 EUR (34 320 000 CZK).
Eligibility Criteria
HROVA1A: Eligible applicants are non-governmental non-profit organisations (hereinafter referred to as NGOs) established as legal persons in the Czech Republic, specifically:
- Association according to Act. No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code as amended; Subsidiary Association representing an organizational unit of an Association is not considered an eligible applicant;
- Institute according to Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as institute);
- Special-purpose entity of a registered church and religious society established by the church and religious society for the provision of charitable services according to Act No. 3/2002 Coll., on freedom of religion and status of churches and religious societies and amending certain laws as amended (hereinafter referred to as special-purpose church entity);
- Public benefit organization according to the to Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, that refers to the Act No. 248/1995 Coll., on public benefit organizations and on amendments to certain acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as public benefit organization);
- Foundation or endowment fund according to the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as foundation or endowment fund).
HROVA1B Eligible applicants are:
- Municipalities with extended scope of authority, according to Act No. 314/2002 Coll., on the Establishment of Municipalities with Authorized Municipal Office and the Establishment of Municipalities with Extended Competence, as amended.
- The City of Prague, according to Act No. 131/2000 Coll., on the City of Prague, as amended;
- Regions, according to Act No. 129/2000 Coll., on Regions (Regional Establishment), as amended;
- Potential applicants are not entitled to participate in the call if:
- They are in liquidation, insolvency, impending bankruptcy or if insolvency proceedings are brought against them within the meaning of Act No 182/2006 Coll., on insolvency and the means of its resolution (the Insolvency Act);
- They have tax arrears in the tax records or arrears of insurance premium or of penalty on public health insurance or social security and national employment policy contributions;
- Recovery orders have been issued against them after a previous decision of the European Commission declaring that the provided aid is unlawful and incompatible with the common market;
Each applicant is allowed to submit only one application under this Call.
For more information, visit European Economic Area.