GBIF: Call to Promote the Mobilization and Use of Biodiversity Data in Asia

The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) invites the submission of concept notes for projects that enhance knowledge of Asian biodiversity through access to data from biological collections and monitoring programmes in the region.

The call is issued under the sixth phase of the Biodiversity Information Fund for Asia (BIFA) programme, funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan. It aims to address key challenges and priorities identified in connection with the mobilization and use of biodiversity data in the region.


This call seeks to support projects that

  • Strengthen the capacity of institutions in the target countries to manage and mobilize biodiversity data
  • Mobilize primary data on Asian biodiversity, with a preference given to the mobilization of:
  • Data relating to the hosts, reservoirs or vectors of zoonotic diseases
  • Data derived from DNA, for example metabarcoding and eDNA projects
  • Data mobilized by the private sector through environmental impact assessments or other monitoring activities
  • Increase open data on Asian biodiversity to fill taxonomic and geographic gaps, within and beyond the grant period

Types of Grants

  • BIFA collections data mobilization grants that target Asia’s natural history collections, to fill taxonomic and geographic gaps in freely-accessible data relating to Asian biodiversity.
  • BIFA ecological monitoring data mobilization grants that target Asian biodiversity monitoring programmes and networks.

Funding Information

  • The total funding assigned to this call is approximately €220,000.
  • Applicants may request a maximum of €20,000 for projects implemented over a maximum period of 18 months.

Eligibility Criteria

All activities funded under the BIFA programme must comply with the following general eligibility criteria:

  • Concept notes and full proposals must be submitted in English through the GBIF Grants Portal by the stated deadlines
  • Applicants must be legal entities located in an eligible Asian country. Such entities include national government agencies, GBIF Participant nodes and their host institutions, natural history museums and collections, research institutes, universities, networks and NGOs, etc.
  • Applicants must be in good standing with GBIF (i.e. the lead institution submitting the project proposal has no overdue or missing reports and/or deliverables from previous projects funded under a programme led by GBIF).
  • No applications for funding a third year of a continuing BIFA project will be considered eligible.
  • Data mobilized by BIFA-funded projects should be principally within the target countries.
  • All projects must include a major component of data mobilization through the GBIF network.
  • All data mobilized through the BIFA grants, as well as any other products of the projects, such as training material, must be made available under a CC0 1.0 waiver or CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  • All proposed project activities must fall within the stated implementation periods for each grant type.
  • Fieldwork and/or the collection of new field data are not eligible costs under the BIFA programme – although such activities may be included in a project plan if funded by alternative sources.
  • Due to the status of the COVID-19 pandemic, project proposals may not include plans or costs for international travel during 2021.
  • Project proposals may include plans and costs relating to international travel taking place within the eligible implementation period in 2022, only when accompanied by clear contingency plans
  • All BIFA funded activities must be not-for-profit, although private companies and consultancies may be included as project partners.
  • Applicants must commit co-funding (in-kind or cash) to their projects and provide details of this co-funding in their concept notes and full proposals.
  • Overhead costs may not be charged to BIFA Grants.
  • As part of the grant request, up to a maximum of €1,000 may be requested for IT, electronic and laboratory equipment, as well as bioinformatics and sequencing services to process existing materials, covering up to a maximum of 50% of the cost of each item or service order. Receipts must be provided in financial reports.
  • Applicants from countries or organizations in Asia that already participate in GBIF must include a statement of endorsement from the GBIF Head of Delegation or Node Manager at the concept note stage.

For more information, visit GBIF.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 09 Feb 2021

Donor Name

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



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