Nambucca Valley Council launches its “Moving Forward” Community Grants Program funded under the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund, committing up to $197,500 for local, community-driven events and projects to aid in the social recovery of the Nambucca Valley community.
The focus of this program is on events or projects that promote community wellbeing, social recovery and future disaster resilience following the bushfires of 2019.
Funding Information
There are two categories of potential grants available:
- Micro to Small scale events and projects from $500 to $3,500
- Medium to Large scale events and projects from $3,501 up to $50,000.
Examples of Projects
Some example events/projects include;
- Social events and digital communication initiatives that support social recovery and improve community connectedness. Eg;
- sports club hosts a free day for bushfire affected residents and community to participate in
- social club trip to places of significance
- radio, film or tech program with community-led approach
- Initiatives that support recovery including connectedness, improved identity of place, cultural heritage and environmental restoration
- tree planting or land management workshops
- cultural, artistic or township festivals
- development of eco, Indigenous or heritage tours; walking, cycling, kayaking etc
- Community education programs to improve knowledge. Eg;
- preparedness for future natural disasters or hazards
- use of technology and digital media
- volunteer drives, capacity building expos
Eligibility Criteria
To be an eligible applicant, you must;
- Be a not for profit or community based organization, such as Lions Clubs, Rotary Clubs, CWA, charity groups, sporting clubs and/or Chambers of Commerce. (Please note: Committees of Management under Council's ABN are not eligible to apply)
- Your organization must have a local presence in the Nambucca Valley Local Government Area.
- Your project must address one or more of the Disaster Recovery Outcomes as listed in the Expression of Interest Form
- If applying for the medium to large scale grant your project must address Council's Community Aspirations as listed in the Expression of Interest Form
For more information, visit Nambucca Valley Council.