Innovation Competition: Reporting Gender Inequalities - Tunisia

The project "IMPROVING ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR PERSONS VICTIMS OF DISCRIMINATION RELATED TO GENDER AND SEXUAL ORIENTATIONS IN TUNISIA", implemented by the UNDP, has launched a call for applications for Innovation competition: Reporting gender inequalities and those related to sexual orientation in Tunisia.


The objective of this innovation competition is to solicit, test and support the 'does of innovative projects to report inequalities based on gender and sexual orientation in Tunisia. The idea is to give young people a chance, in groups or alone, so that they present a project idea aiming to institute a reporting mechanism, to highlight, or even denounce gender inequalities and those based on sexual orientations in Tunisia.

By innovation Di they mean: the production, creation of a new product, service or process enabling new responses or ways of responding to unmet or poorly met needs; the innovative character also goes through the fact of shedding light on issues and problems that have not yet been explored in a given context. The aim of this competition is therefore above all to encourage creativity and to leave the institutional field to develop project ideas that respond to concrete and local challenges, in a way that is participatory and that directly responds to the needs of the people concerned.

By "signaling" is also understood: the fact of announcing or warning about a given phenomenon by making it known by a sign, a signal or any means; than the fact of making known, of pointing out this phenomenon by drawing attention to it.

Thus, project ideas must necessarily pursue one of the following four objectives:

  • Develop mechanisms, devices or cells for reporting situations of inequality and discrimination based on gender and / or sexual orientation;
    • For example, set up a reporting unit within a university, or even create an online reporting platform or application.
  • Improve knowledge of and access by populations to preexisting mechanisms, devices or units for reporting situations of inequality and discrimination based on gender and / or sexual orientation
    • For example, set up an awareness campaign aimed at improving the knowledge of the populations on the judicial circuit of the filing of complaints in cos of violence against women.
  • Raise awareness and improve the capacities of institutions on reporting and referral of populations victims of situations of inequality and discrimination based on gender and / or sexual orientation;
    • For example, put in place an awareness campaign or a charter of good practices in the fight against violence against women intended for police stations or legal guidance services.
  • Raise awareness about situations of inagality and discrimination based on gender and / or sexual orientation.
    • For example, create and produce a photo exhibition, a play or even a short film highlighting this problem in an innovative way.

In addition, project ideas based on an inclusive intervention strategy, aimed at supporting the participation of women, youth and vulnerable groups in local efforts to report inequalities based on gender and sexual orientation, are encouraged. Likewise, solutions promoting synergies between different actors (civil society, schools, academics and culture, public structures, private sector) are also encouraged.

Funding Information

Amount and nature of funding: A prize, in the form of financial support of 20,000 TND, will be awarded by the UNDP to the 4 most effective and viable project ideas.

Geographic Zone: The ideas for projects proposed by young people within the framework of the innovation competition should be part of a regional / local focus. The evaluation of the proposals will take into account the logistical capacity of each individual or group of individuals (CSOs, university club, youth center, etc.) to carry out actions at the level of the municipality, rural areas and / or rentierete of the territory of the governorate.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligibility of applicants: Any individual person or legal entity (association or company) can participate in this innovation competition and bring a project idea, under the following conditions.
  • Eligibility of individuals Anyone with an individual idea for a project must meet the following conditions to be eligible for financial and technical support:
    • Be a young woman, a young man, or a group of young people, between 18 and 30 years old and living in Tunisia;
    • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action and not be limited to an intermediary role;
    • Be independent of political parties / movements.
  • Cannot participate in this process, nor be beneficiaries of financial and technical support, people who, at the time of the innovation competition and during its evaluation:
    • Who are in a state or who are the subject of bankruptcy, liquidation, judicial settlement or preventive composition, cessation of activity, or who are in a similar situation resulting from a procedure of the same nature existing in national laws and regulations;
    • Who, within the framework of a grant granted by the UNDP or other UN organization, have been declared in serious default of execution because of the non-respect of their contractual obligations;
    • Find themselves in a situation of conflict of interest;
    • Made false statements when applying for the call for proposals or did not provide the required information to UNDP.

For more information, visit UNDP.


Important Dates

Post Date - 09 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 17 Jan 2021

Donor Name

United Nations Development Programme

Grant Size

1000 to $ 10,000



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