Aboriginal Cancer Grants Program 2020 Round - Australia

The Cancer Institute NSW is calling for Expressions of Interest for the Aboriginal Cancer Grants 2020 Round.

Funding is available to build and strengthen effective partnerships for registered not-for-profit, government and non-government organizations in NSW to develop culturally safe cancer services for Aboriginal people. At a minimum the project must ensure a partnership between the Local Health District / Specialty Health Network and an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service.

The grants are available to implement the objectives of the NSW Cancer Plan, with the aim of addressing equity issues for Aboriginal people thereby improving the experiences of those affected by cancer and ultimately improving cancer outcomes.

The focus of these grants is to develop, implement, and evaluate strategies which aim to support Aboriginal people across the Optimal Care Pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer.

The Aboriginal Cancer Grants will provide funding to organization’s working in cancer, health and other related services. The focus of these grants is community and service centred initiatives and not research proposals.


  • The project has a clear plan to reduce the gap in cancer outcomes for NSW Aboriginal people, in accordance with the NSW Cancer Plan and the principles of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Framework.
  • The project is to address the following:
    • Build capacity within the health system to further support Aboriginal people along the Optimal Care Pathway for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer.
    • Respond to locally identified needs and priorities to support Aboriginal people with cancer, in line with the NSW Cancer Plan.
    • Build sustainable partnerships between Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services and Local Health Districts / Specialty Health Networks to support Aboriginal people with cancer and their communities.

Funding Information

Up to a maximum value of $30,000 per grant excluding GST, up to 6 months

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for funding in the 2020 Grant Round:

  • The organization must be a registered organization with a demonstrated track record in cancer control or vested interest in improving cancer outcomes for specific groups in the community and be based in and providing services to the population of NSW.
  • Applicants must apply via the Expression of Interest word template.
  • The project must commence in the 2020/21 financial year and be completed at the latest by 30 September 2021.
  • All obligations regarding previously funded projects involving the applicants must have been fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Institute. Such obligations include the provision of satisfactory progress, final and financial reports.
  • The project must have an evaluation approach that includes process and outcome measures. It is recommended that up to 10% of the total project cost is allocated to evaluation. 6. All applications must have the required signatures.

For more information, visit Cancer Institute NSW.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 29 Jan 2021

Donor Name

Cancer Institute NSW

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



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