Myanmar: Call for Concept Notes for LIFT Rakhine Programme

LIFT’s programming in Rakhine is guided by the LIFT strategy 2019-2023. LIFT’s purpose is to strengthen the resilience and sustainable livelihoods of poor and vulnerable groups in Myanmar, particularly women, internally displaced people and returnees, migrants, smallholder farmers, landless people, people with disabilities and those vulnerable to trafficking and forced labour.

LIFT aims to strengthen the resilience and sustainable livelihoods of poor households by helping people reach their full economic potential. This is achieved through increasing incomes, improving the nutrition of women and children, and decreasing vulnerabilities to shocks, stresses and adverse trends. LIFT is also working to encourage diversification in agriculture, more microfinance financial services, gender equality, social protection initiatives, safe migration, and skilling people for new jobs.

LIFT seeks to contribute to this purpose through three impact-level outcomes:

  • Improved nutritional status, particularly of women and children
  • Increased household income and assets, with greater control by women
  • Reduced vulnerability of households and individuals to shocks, stresses and risks

Funding Information

  • Budget: USD 11.5 million
  • Duration: Maximum 30 months, not starting later mid 2021

Target Populations

Overall, LIFT’s strategy emphasises targeting of the most vulnerable households and individuals. Given the context of Rakhine this includes:

  • Internally displaced persons living in camps, temporary settings or host-communities.
  • Conflict affected people
  • Women and children within the 1,000 day period
  • Youth and in particular adolescent girls 13
  • Women and women headed households
  • Internal and international migrants
  • Migrant-sending households having only very elderly and very young members
  • People with disabilities

Geographic Focus

While there are no exclusions of areas, successful applications will need to:

  • Target the most vulnerable groups;
  • Demonstrate that they are not duplicating other interventions and investments in Rakhine (though complementarities and synergies are strongly encouraged)

For more information, visit UNOPS.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 15 Feb 2021

Donor Name

United Nations Office for Project Services

Grant Size

1,000,000 to $



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